By Rev. Devadosan Sugirtharaj / 02/18/2025
This psalm is the counterpart of Psalm 105. In Psalm 105, the psalmist invites us to
remember God’s mighty works, and in Psalm 106, he elaborates on how the people of
Israel forgot God’s mighty works.
- Prayer of Praises. Psalm. 106:1-5
- Praise the Lord is the translation of the Hebrew word ‘Hallelujah. The psalmist express his gratitude to God for he is good and his mercy endures forever. Here the mercy is described as God’s loyal covenant love to the disobedient people of Israel. (Vs.1)
- The psalmist acknowledges that there are no words matching to describe God’s mighty acts. However, the obedient people of God are blessed as they keep justice. These blessed have the hearts to praise God for his mighty acts. (Vs.2-3)
- Then the psalmist prays God to remember them to receive his favor and to visit them to redeem them with his salvation. It is a prayer like a patient crying to the doctor for healing. This prayer is focused on three important blessings. He prays that God may bless the people with his mighty works, fill them with joy to share with his people and give glory to his name because of victories. ( vs.4-5)
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