303 | Psalm 109: Vengeance Belongs to God Only | <p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong>Introduction</strong></span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">David titled Psalm 109 "To the Chief musician." This is David's prayer to call down curses upon his enemies. However, through this psalm, David left the vengeance up to God and refused to act upon these curses.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong>Prayer for Deliverance. Psalm 109:1-5</strong></span></span></p>
<li><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong><em>Prayer for deliverance from the hatred of enemies. Psalm109:1-3</em></strong></span></span>
<li><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">As David faced troubles from his enemies, he cried out to God for the words of wicked and deceitful enemies. He was confident in his innocence but heard the words of lies hatred and without cause from his enemies. He called it a fight against him. </span></span></li>
| 03/11/2025 |
302 | Psalm 108: Yesterday’s Trust is Today’s Praise | <p><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong>Introduction</strong></span></p>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">This is the Psalm of David. The uniqueness of this psalm is that Ps.108:1-5 is similar to Ps.57:7-11 and Ps.108:6-13 is identical to Ps.60:5-12.</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">The enemies mentioned in Ps.,1-8:9-13 are the Moab, Edom and Philistia.</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong>1. The declaration of God’s praise. Ps.108:1-6</strong></span></p>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong><em>Nature of David’s praise to God. Ps.108:1-2</em></strong></span>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">David<span dir="RTL">’</span>s nature of praise is his steadfast confidence in God. David strongly affirmed that his glories belong to God only. He praises God with all stringed instruments at the dawn of the day because it is the choice part of the day.</span></li>
| 03/04/2025 |
301 | Psalm 107: God of Rescue | <p><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong>Introduction</strong></span></p>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">This is another beautiful psalm praising God for his wonderful rescue in human life.</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif"><strong>Dedication of the Psalm to God. Psalm 107:1-3</strong></span>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">The psalmist invites us to give thanks to God. He gives the reasons for it. First, God is good. Secondly, his mercy endures forever. God is faithful in showing his covenant love to his people. (Vs.1)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">The psalmist invites us as the congregation of God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s people who are called as redeemed by his enduring mercy. He invites the people to praise him for his rescue in our lives especially, when we are lost, guilty, sick, and storm-tossed. He rescues them from the hand of the enemy and gathers them out of the lands.( Vs.2-3)</span></li>
| 02/25/2025 |
300 | Psalm 106: National Confession | <p>This psalm is the counterpart of Psalm 105. In Psalm 105, the psalmist invites us to<br />
remember God’s mighty works, and in Psalm 106, he elaborates on how the people of<br />
Israel forgot God’s mighty works.</p>
<li><strong> Prayer of Praises. Psalm. 106:1-5</strong>
<li>Praise the Lord is the translation of the Hebrew word ‘Hallelujah. The psalmist express his gratitude to God for he is good and his mercy endures forever. Here the mercy is described as God’s loyal covenant love to the disobedient people of Israel. (Vs.1)</li>
<li>The psalmist acknowledges that there are no words </li>
| 02/18/2025 |
298 | Psalm 105: God’s Blessing on His Covenant People | <p style="text-align:justify">Psalm 105 and 106 are organized together with the purpose of revealing God and God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s people. Psalm 105 tells us God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s faithfulness and power and Psalm 106 tells us the repeated failure and rebellion of God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s people</p>
<li style="text-align:justify"><strong>Call to the People of God to worship and seek the Lord. Psalm.105:1-6</strong>
<li>Call to Worship the Lord. Psalm.105:1-3: The psalmist focuses on calling the people of God to worship the Lord with thanksgiving hearts for his great works among them and also having the privilege to ask God for all their needs. He calls them to sing the praises to the Lord to glorify God.</li>
| 04/25/2021 |
297 | Psalm 104: The Lord of Creation | <p style="text-align: justify;">This psalm does not have any title in Hebrew. This psalm gives the interpretation of many voices of nature to express the presence of the Lord.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>A. Reasons for Call to Worship Psalm.104:1-30</strong></p>
<li style="text-align: justify;">Majesty of God in the creation. Psalm.104:1-2
<li>The psalmist calls to worship God in spirit and in truth as He is great in the creation and each part of the creation expresses the majesty of the Lord as God and honour him through the daily demonstration of their beauty to the world.</li>
<li style="text-align: justify;">Mighty of God in the creation. Psalm.104:3-4
<li>The psalmist calls to worship God and his mighty creative power in the creation. He has created the creation orderly, harmoniously and beautifully to exist and sustain in this world.</li>
| 04/18/2021 |
296 | Psalm 103: Blessings To Remember | <p style="text-align: justify;">This is a psalm of David. We don<span dir="RTL">’</span>t know the circumstances of writing this psalm. However, this psalm reveals the experience of David of God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s grace and deliverance many times.</p>
<li style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Reasons to bless and honour God.</strong>
<li>Introduction: David gives the reasons to bless and honour God in the introduction of this psalm. Remembering God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s blessing is an act of worshipping God. Psalm.103:1-2</li>
<li>Reason 1: The Lord redeems us: The Lord redeems us from the sins through the forgiveness of sins, healing our sickness, protecting from dangers, filling with lovingkindness and tender mercies, satisfies with good things and renews us like eagles. Psalm.103:3-5</li>
| 04/11/2021 |
295 | Psalm 102: Afflicted But Trusted Life | <p style="text-align: justify;">This psalm is one of the psalms reflecting prayer of the afflicted and overwhelmed with complaints before the Lord and at the same time reflecting trust in the Lord. In the Church history, it is one of the seven penitential psalms ( Psalms 6,32,38,51,130,143)</p>
<li style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Afflicted Life which is fragile</strong>
<li>Plea from the affliction for the Presence of God. Psalm.102:1-2
<li>The psalmist pleads God to hear his prayer of affliction because He is a good and compassionate God. </li>
<li>Impact of the affliction on health. Psalm.102:3-7
<li>The psalmist describes the agony and impact of the crisis in his body as his heartaches and he has no appetite. It makes his body sick and exhausted.</li>
| 04/04/2021 |
294 | Psalm 101: The Righteous King | <p style="text-align:justify">This is a psalm of David. This is also called as <span dir="RTL">‘</span>Prince<span dir="RTL">’</span>s Psalm<span dir="RTL">’</span>. Before he took the kingship of Israel, this psalm were his reflection of being a king.</p>
<li style="text-align:justify"><strong>The Righteous life of a King. Psalm.101:1-2</strong>
<li>The personal attribute of a king is mercy and justice. He exalts the Lord as the king with mercy and justice. He praises God for being the example of all kings in this world.</li>
<li>The personal attribute of a king is life with the presence of God. David longs for a godly life in his presence and it is his desire to go to the presence of God in order to adore, worship and obey Him.</li>
<li>The personal attribute of a king is to walk with a perfect heart in the family. David dreams of living with a perfect heart in his family and in the sanctuary to reflect God.</li>
| 03/28/2021 |
293 | Psalm 100: Psalm of Thanksgiving | <p style="text-align:justify">The psalm is titled A Psalm of Thanksgiving. In the whole book of Psalms, it is the only psalm having this title. The purpose of this psalm is to call the whole world to know and worship the Lord.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>A. Worship the Lord with praises</strong></p>
<li style="text-align:justify"><strong><em>Worship the Lord with praises. Psalm.100:1-2</em></strong></li>
<p style="margin-left:0.5in; text-align:justify">The psalmist does not begin with a declaration of God’s sovereign power in the beginning. He simply calls to praise God. This invitation goes beyond Israel. We are called to praise God with a joyful shout to worship the King and to serve the Lord with gladness. Whatever we do in the worship to the Lord must come with joy, happiness, gladness and celebration. We are called to come to the presence of the Lord and worship him. Singing is not the only way to praise God but it is the chief way to worship him.</p>
| 03/21/2021 |
292 | Psalm 98: New Song For God’s Marvelous Works | <p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Introduction:</strong> This psalm has a plain introduction as a psalm. There is no other information attached to this title. However, this psalm speaks of praise to God for his marvelous works in the creation.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>A.Sing praises to the Lord, the Saviour</strong></p>
<p style="margin-left:0.5in; text-align:justify"><strong><em>a.Sing a new song to praise the Lord. Psalm.98:1</em></strong></p>
<p style="margin-left:1in; text-align:justify">Singing a new song to the Lord is common in the psalms especially in Psalms.33:3;40:3;96:1; 114:9; 149:1. This theme is not limited to psalms only but to the whole bible. We can read this call in Isaiah.42:10; Revelation.5:9;14:3. The psalmist calls the people of God to worship the Lord with fresh and dynamic ways and also to sing new songs to the Lord. This verse recalls the song of Miriam in the Old Testament. The reason to sing a new song to the Lord is to extol the great and mallows works of God through his power and strength.</p>
| 03/14/2021 |
291 | Psalm 97: Rejoice in the Greatness of God | <p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Introduction</strong></p>
<p style="text-align:justify">Psalm 97 is the psalm having the same themes of Psalm 96 and Psalm 98 as the theme of these psalms is God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s reign and greatness. Psalm 96 and 98 more focuses on the delights and awesomeness of God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s reign in the world especially in terms of worship and justice.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Call to rejoice for God</strong><strong><span dir="RTL">’</span></strong><strong>s greatness in reign. Psalm.97:1</strong></p>
<p style="text-align:justify">The psalmist follows the same pattern of Psalm 93 and begins the psalm with the proclamation of God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s reign. He is active in human history and creation and he never gives up his reign to any other idols or human beings to rule over the universe. God is infinite and eternal and the psalmist calls us to rejoice in God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s reign and greatness.</p>
| 03/07/2021 |
290 | Psalm 96: Sing To The Lord A New Song | <p style="text-align: justify;">This is a unique psalm to call to worship the Lord from the people of God to nations and creation. There is no indication of authorship in the psalm but the middle verses of the psalm similar to David’s song recorded in 1 Chronicles.16:23-33 and so it is suggested that David was the author.<br />
<strong>Explanation: Call to Worship the Lord.<br />
Call the People of God to Worship the Lord.Psalm.96:1-6<br />
<em>Call to Worship the Lord with a new song.Psalm.96:1-3</em></strong><br />
God rejoices the praises of His people, especially in new songs. New songs always come from the awareness of God’s love and grace. God has one great thing in this world. God’s mercies become inspirations to sing a new song. Through these songs, all the earth praises God from day to day and also proclaims his good news of salvation and declares his glory</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
| 02/26/2021 |
289 | Psalm 95: Meaningful Worship to God | <p>Psalm 95 is one of the psalms quoted in the New Testament especially in Hebrews.3:7-14. In Hebrews 4:7, it is said that it is the Psalm of David.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Section 1: Ways in Worship the Lord. 95:1-7a</strong></p>
<li style="text-align:justify"><strong><em>Invocation Praise to God. Psalm.95:1-2</em></strong></li>
<p style="text-align:justify">Worship has different forms and ways. The psalmist defines that worship is the way of honouring God. We do this through singing songs. Singing is not the only way to worship the Lord but it is an important way. As the people of God, we worship the Lord and exalt his name. These words are the invocation praise to God in the Temple worship in Israel. These words are used to inform the people that they come and worship the Lord in his holy presence. </p>
| 02/21/2021 |
288 | Psalm 94: God's dealings in times of opposition | <p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Introduction</strong></p>
<p style="margin-left:0.5in; text-align:justify">In the midst of oppositions and threats to our faith, this song is so much relevant to us to focus on praising and worshiping the Lord instead of focusing on oppositions.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Explanation</strong></p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Section 1: God’s Dealings with the Wicked. Psalm.94:1-11</strong></p>
<li style="text-align:justify">
<p><strong><em>The people who oppose our faith should hear and obey God. Psalm.94:1-3</em></strong></p>
<p style="margin-left:0.5in; text-align:justify">The people who oppose our faith should hear and obey God because God is the Judge of the earth and he will recompense to the wicked. We are tempted to take vengeance against those who hate us but let us trust God as He brings us justice and deals with them. 1: 1-3. Refer: Jeremiah.51:5</p>
| 02/14/2021 |
287 | Psalm 93: The Reign of God | <p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Introduction</strong></p>
<p style="text-align:justify">The title of this psalm in Hebrew is a short, bold declaration of God’s mighty reign.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Explanation</strong></p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>Section 1: The Majesty of the Lord. Psalm.93:1-2</strong></p>
<li style="text-align:justify"><strong><em>The Beauty of His Majesty.Psalm.93:1</em></strong></li>
<p style="margin-left:12pt; text-align:justify">The Lord’s reign is mighty and awesome as He is the only God and the other idols are nothing before him. It is the proclamation of his majesty as the King of kings and Lord of Lords. The appearance of his majesty is hard to define but it is supremely expressed in power and beauty. </p>
<li style="text-align:justify"><strong><em>The Power of His Majesty. Psalm.93:2</em></strong></li>
<p style="margin-left:12pt; text-align:justify">The Lord reigns and his throne is established without challenges. Compared with earthly thrones, his throne is eternal and unchangeable and constituted forever and ever. </p>
| 02/07/2021 |
286 | Psalm 92 | <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Giving Thanks To The Lord For His Goodness</strong></span><br />
This psalm is titled as a song for the Sabbath day as it is sung on the Sabbath. The Jews have used this psalm in synagogue worship for a long period.<br />
<strong>Section 1: Manner of giving thanks to the Lord. Psalm 92:1-3</strong><br />
Giving thanks to the Lord is a good and right thing. The manner of giving thanks involves reverence, devotion, and adoration. God is our creator, redeemer and provider. So we come to God to give him our thanks with a worship attitude. As God is merciful and steadfast every morning, we must come with joy and humility to thank him with music and songs.<br />
<strong>Section 2: Reasons for giving thanks to the Lord. Psalm.92:4-15</strong><br />
Psalmist gives reasons for giving thanks to the Lord in this section. The main reason is that God works in our lives personally.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify"> </p>
| 01/31/2021 |
278 | Psalm 91 - God’s Blessings For His People | <p style="text-align:justify">This psalm has no title. At the same time, the author is unknown. Some think that as the themes of Psalm 90 continue in this psalm, so Moses would be the author. As the phrases of Psalm 27 and 31 are seen in this psalm, some think that David would be the author. It is one of the greatest psalms in the book of psalms. It has two sections. The first section is Psalm 91:1-6; the second section is 91:7-16. </p>
<p style="text-align:justify"><strong>The Assurance of God</strong><strong><span dir="RTL">’</span></strong><strong>s Protection, comfort and care to his people.</strong> <strong>Psalm.91:1-2</strong></p>
<li style="text-align:justify">Those who are in the shelter of God experience may experience God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s protection, comfort and care. When we come under the security of God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s presence, we will be in complete security. The shadow is a metaphor for God<span dir="RTL">’</span>s presence (Isa.32:2; 49:2; Psalm.63:7). As God is our refuge, we need to put our trust in him.</li>
| 01/24/2021 |
277 | Psalm 90: Life with God’s Blessings | <p style="text-align: justify;">This psalm is the only psalm titled ‘A Prayer of Moses’ apart from the other song sin Exodus 15 and Deuteronomy: 32, 33. This psalm is based on the historical time mentioned in Numbers 20 where the death of Miriam and Aaron and also the discipline of God to Moses to be refused to enter the promised land due to his disobedience.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">1. The divine nature of God is eternal. Psalm.90:1-3<br />
Moses sang that God is his refuge and protection of his people. God is the dwelling place of his people for all generations. For he is the eternal God always and his judgments demand the repentance of God’s people. </p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">2. Human nature of us as fragile and vulnerable. Psalm.90:4-11<br />
God’s perception of time and our perception of time are different. God’s perspective on time is limitless. He does not have a past, present and future. He is eternal. However, as humans, we are time-conditioned.</p>
| 01/17/2021 |
276 | Psalm 89: Incredible God and His Promises | <p>Psalm 89 is a contemplation of Ethan the Ezrahite. There are many people named Ethan in the bible. The author of this psalm is mentioned in 1 Kings 4:31 as he was famous in wisdom and insights like Solomon.</p>
<p><strong>The incredible and incomparable mercies of God. Psalm.89:1-2.</strong><br />
Ethan began this psalm with a declaration of praise on God’s mercy and lovingkindness. In this psalm, we can see that the presence of troubles is everywhere in his life but it couldn’t stop him to praise God. Troubles sometimes may tempt us to complain but here we learn that we praise God when we reflect on God’s faithfulness</p>
| 01/10/2021 |
275 | Psalm 88 | <p>Desperate Prayer in Desperate Circumstances</p>
<p>This is titled as a Psalm of the sons of Korah to the Chief Musician in the musical note of Mahalath Leannoth. This psalm is the contemplation of Herman the Ezrahite. It is the saddest psalm in the whole book of Psalms. Herman was the composer and singer in the times of David and Solomon (1 Chronicles.6:33).<br />
1. Asking God to hear the prayer in times of affliction or difficulties. Psalm.88:1-2<br />
The opening lines of this psalm declare that God is our salvation. The psalmist made it personal and he said: God of my salvation. God is our Saviour. In Matthew, this means ‘Jesus’. When we know God as our personal Saviour, we come to God with confidence and ask him to hear our prayers.</p>
| 01/03/2021 |
274 | Psalm 87: God’s Place and People | <div>Psalm 87 is one of the psalms of the sons of Korah. The sons of Korah were Levites and they came from the family of Kohath. They served in the music and choir ministry at the temple worship (2 Chronicles 20:19)</div>
<div> </div>
<div>1. The greatness of the place of God’s reign. Psalm.87:1-3</div>
<div>1. The establishment of God’s city: God establishes the foundations of Jerusalem on the holy mountains and it becomes strong and stable. The psalmist sings that God loves the foundations, gates and dwellings of Jerusalem. Jerusalem has its unique place in the Salvation history of God in the Bible and God continually focuses on this city as a symbol of God’s reign and promises to the world.</div>
| 12/27/2020 |
273 | Psalm 86: Our God is Our Helper | <p style="text-align:justify"><strong><span style="font-size:13px">I would like to continue the Word of the Week column initiated by our beloved Pastor Rev Chandran Lite for our weekend devotion. As he completed his devotion on Psalm 85, I would like to continue from Psalm 86. When you are helpless and desperate to have any help, whom do you go to first to ask for help? Just think about it. Here David tells us where he went for help first.</span></strong></p>
<p>Psalm 86 is a simple prayer of David. We do not know the specific crisis in his life when he composed this psalm. This psalm is special because David used the Hebrew word Adonai ( Master) seven times when he referred to God. This psalm is divided into two parts.</p>
| 12/20/2020 |
271 | Psalm 85 : 6 | "Will You not revive us again ?" V.6<br><br>"Decline and Fall of the American Empire" was written by Larry Elliott, economics editor for the British newspaper, The Guardian. He says,"The experience of both Rome and Britain suggests that it is hard to stop the rot once it has set in, so here are a few of the warning signs of trouble ahead : military overstretch,a widening guilt between rich and poor, a hollowed-out economy, citizens using debt to live beyond their means...The high levels of violent crime, epidemic of obesity, addiction to pornography and excessive use of energy may be telling us something: The US is in an advanced state of cultural decadence". Not only cultural decadence, but spiritual and moral decadence as well. Elliott's article concludes with this : "America must rediscover the qualities that originally made it great. That will not be easy"... | 12/31/2017 |
270 | Better is one day in your courts V 10 | Better is one day in your courts<br>Than a thousand elsewhere... V. 10<br>D.L.Moody once said, "Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man".<br>John Wesley said, "The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion".<br>John Stott, the great Christian theologian, once said, "An unchurched Christian is a grotesque anomaly. The New Testament knows nothing of such a person. For the church lies at the very center of the eternal purpose of God..." | 12/24/2017 |
266 | Psalm 82 : 2-4 | "Defend the weak..." (vs. 2-4)<br><br>In the church history there was a great saint, St. Laurence, who was known for the incredible compassion for the poor and the downtrodden of the society. He was a deacon in the early church in the third century. He lived in Aragon(Spain). During one of persecutions, he was ordered to bring to a roman official some of "the Treasures of the Church" . What he brought were some poor, downtrodden and lame people, and he said to them, "These are the treasures of the Church". For this response, he was roasted to death on a gird iron... | 12/10/2017 |
265 | Psalm 81 : 16 Part - 2 | Honey from the rock - V.16<br><br>A man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and God appeared. The Lord told this man had work for wants and showed him a rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. So, this the man did, day after day for years, from dawn to dusk, he tried his best with all his might to push the rock without success. He began to think that he was a failure and he felt discouraged and disheartened... | 12/03/2017 |
264 | Psalm 81 : 13-14 Part 1 | If my people would only listen to me... (V. 13,14)<br><br>A man once stood on a soap_box at Hyde park corner, scorning Christianity. "People tell me that God exists ; but I can't see Him. People tell me there is life after death; but I can't see it. People tell me that there is a judgment to come; but I can't see it. People tell me there is a heaven and hell; but I can't see them". He won cheap applause and climbed down from his "pulpit". Based on reason and logic, what he said sounds good to those skeptical of faith. A old man struggled on to the soap_box and said, "People tell me that there is green grass all around, but I can't see it. People tell me that there is blue sky above, but I can't see it. People tell me that there are trees nearby, but I can't see them. You see, I am blind.." Refusal to see God at work is not the result of wisdom or enlightenment, but of simple spiritual blindness (copied)... | 11/26/2017 |
263 | Psalm 80 | "Restore us, O God" (V. 3,7,19)<br><br>An American sports legend Magic Johnson, reveals that he has AIDS. Rumors begin to fly that he is bi-sexual. He is confronted on national television about the rumors. Instead of simply denying them, he begins to boast about how macho he is, claiming to have been to bed with as many as six women at one time ! Is America outraged ? No, President Bush appoints him to serve on a national AIDS commission... | 11/19/2017 |
262 | Psalm 79: 1 - 13 | A report submitted to the State Department earlier in 2016 documented that between 2003 and June 9 2014, at least 1,131 Christians had been murdered by the radical Muslims that comprise the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. In addition, at least 125 Christian Churches had been attacked or destroyed by ISIS(CNS-News)... | 11/12/2017 |
261 | Psalm 78:39 - Part IV | "He remembered that they were but flesh<br> a passing wind that does not return"(V 39)<br><br>Peter, one of the 12 chosen disciples of Christ, is mentioned in 24 verses in Matthew's Gospel. In 11 of them, he is doing or saying the wrong thing. In Mark, it is 11 out of 20 verses. In Luke, 7 out of 18 and in John it is 10 out of 19 verses. Here is a guy who seems to have a 50% chances of doing wrong thing. But our Lord saw in Peter a potential leader... | 11/05/2017 |
260 | Psalm 78 : 23-30 - Part 3 | "Yet He(God) gave..." (V.23)<br><br>The French philosopher Simone Weil wrote a book called, "Gravity and Grace" which describes two different ways of approach. The world runs by rules like gravity. As Isaac Newton studied the universe, he came up with fixed rules like, "Every action deserves an equal and opposite reaction". Athletics runs that way as does the economy and politics. Stop making your car or house payments, and the bank repossesses them. Bomb my country and we will bomb you back. Against that pattern comes a strikingly different pattern. From God we deserve anger and we get love; We deserve punishment and we get forgiveness. That is grace ! | 10/29/2017 |
259 | Psalm 78 : 9-22 | "But they continued to sin...." (V. 17)<br><br>Alex Haley - the author of "Roots" had an unusual picture hanging on his office wall. It was a picture of a turtle on top of a fence post. When asked, "Why is that there?" .. He would reply, "Every time I write something significant, every time I read my words and think that they are wonderful and begin to feel proud of myself, I look at the turtle on top of the fence post and remember that he did not get there on his own, he had help"... | 10/22/2017 |
258 | Psalm 78 : 1-8 | "He decreed statutes for Jacob<br>and established the law in Israel,<br>which He commanded our ancestors<br>to teach their children" - V.5<br><br>The classical poet Virgil, "As the twig is bent, so the tree inclines". Francis Xavier said, "Give a child for the first seven years, and you may do what you like with him afterwards".Children are important part of our faith community. They are important to us because they are important to God... | 10/15/2017 |
257 | Psalm 77 - Part 2 | The great Jewish Philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, "much of what the Bible demands can be comprised in one word - Remember"...<br><br> | 10/08/2017 |
256 | Psalm 77 - Part 1 | "What is the use of worrying; It never was worthwhile, so pack up your troubles in your old kid bag, and smile, smile, smile" - this song was written by British actor, George Howell, his brother Felix Howell set the melody. The song earned them 40,000 pounds. One year later, Felix sat down at his piano and played, "Pack up your troubles in your old kid bag, and smile , smile and smile and then he went into his room, and shot and killed himself... | 10/01/2017 |
255 | Psalm 76: 1-12 | After the Crimean war, a great celebration was held in London to honor the heroes wounded in battle. Queen Victoria was present to give out the medals. Some of the soldiers appeared with empty sleeves, some came on crutches, and some had bandaged foreheads. To each she gave the same sweet smile and the same high award. At last, a terribly maimed soldier was brought before the Queen on a litter. His arms and legs were gone. His sacrifice was greater than others. At the sight of him the Queen, with tears streaming down her cheeks, stepped forward and pinned a medal on his uniform. Then stooping down, she kissed his brow, and said with great emotion, "Well done, good and faithful servant"... | 09/24/2017 |
254 | Psalm 75:2-10 - Part 2 | The story is told of two ducks and a frog who lived together in a farm pond. The best of friends, the three amuse themselves and play together in their water hole. When the hot summer days came, however, the pond began to dry up, and they decide to move. The ducks can fly, but how about the frog ? So, it was decided that they would put a stick in the bill of each duck that the frog could hang onto with his mouth as they flew to another pond. The plan worked well and they started flying. A farmer looked up in admiration and said, "Well, isn't that a clear idea ! I wonder who thought of it?" . The frog said, "I did.." . It came tumbling down.... | 09/17/2017 |
253 | Psalm 75 - part 1 | '.......for Your name is near' v. 1<br><br>G.K.Chesterton once quipped, "We make our friends, we make our enemies, but God makes our next door neighbor...We have to love our neighbor because He is there..." The nearness of our neighbor is providential, as God never gets the address wrong... | 09/10/2017 |
252 | Psalm 74 - Part 2 | "But God is my King...." (V. 12)<br><br>What kind of king is Asaph's God ? - He is God in complete control and care of this entire universe. When enemies said in their hearts, "we will crush them completely" They , in their folly and foolishness, did not realize the awesome power of God. They did not have any clue as to what kind of God of Israel they are dealing with. From verses 13 to 17, Asaph is confirming God's sovereignty over nature in order to bolster his morale which was ebbing away because of his enemies relentless and wicked atrocities... | 09/03/2017 |
251 | Psalm 74 - Part 1 | "O God, why have You rejected us forever?" - 74:1<br><br>In modern Israel, David Shoshan filed a restraining order against God. For 3 years, God has negatively affected his life. God treated him harshly and not nicely. The judge in the court called it 'ludicrous' and dismissed the case. When we are crushed by a personal or rational crisis, we tend to act foolishly exhibiting our fallen nature... | 08/27/2017 |
250 | Psalm 73 - Part 3 | Asaph finds his solution<br><br>"When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their final destiny"<br><br>Michael McCullough, and his fellow psychologist at the university of Miami have reviewed 8 decades of research and concluded that religion belief and piety promote self-control. Researchers found, deeply religious people tend to do better in school, live longer, have more satisfying marriages and be generally happier. Religion gives them internal strength- self-control. Researchers found students who spent more time in Sunday school did better at laboratory tests measuring their self-control... | 08/20/2017 |
249 | Psalm 73 - Part 2 | "Wicked Prosper" "I envied the arrogant"<br><br>Pope Francis received many letters from people who suffer and ask these very questions. He spoke of a young mother facing the drama of cancer and forlorn elderly widow whose son had been murdered by the mafia. They both wrote to the pope asking why the wicked seem to prosper while things go so badly for the righteous. Pope Francis was reflecting on Psalm 73. He commented, "People who do evil and yet everything seems to go well for them in life. They are happy. They have everything they want. They lack nothing"... | 08/13/2017 |
248 | Psalm 73 - Part 1 | On January 17,2004, a 66 ton whale died and was beached on the south western coast of Taiwan, near the city of Tainan. Two weeks later, on January 29, authorities decided to truck the dead whale to a laboratory where they could do an autopsy. It took 50 laborers and three lifting cranes, 13 hours to hoist the 56 foot behemoth onto flatbed trailer truck. People gathered in great numbers to watch the carcass of a whale being driven through the streets. Suddenly, as people were watching on, the whale exploded. The inner conditions of the dead whale ,combined with the bumps in the road caused an eruption. Cars, people and local shops were splattered with the stinking entails of the whale... | 08/06/2017 |
247 | Psalm 72:18b - Part 3 | 'Who alone does marvelous deeds'<br><br>Time magazine cover once pictured Billy Graham with his son Franklin Graham. The article inside talked about what a rebellious son, Franklin was as he grew up. Instead of being like 'Billy's kid' , he was more like 'Billy the kid'. His hobbies were hard. Liquor, automatic weapons, and evading high speed pursuit by Montreal police. Mother Ruth, so frustrated with his smoking habit, that once she emptied an ashtray over his son's head as he lay sleeping on the sofa. Another time, he left home without permission when he returned, she locked him in the trunk of the family car.<br><br>Now by the grace of God, he is a great Christian leader and the director of Good Samaritan purse. How is it possible? God does marvelous things ! | 07/30/2017 |
246 | Psalm 72:8-14 - Part 2 | 'God, the King'<br><br>C.S.Lewis once said, "There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan" ... | 07/23/2017 |
245 | Psalm 72:6 - Part 1 | 'God like rain'<br><br>Franklin Graham said that rain is a sign of God's blessing in the Bible. The Washington Post once denounced the atheists who complained about Obama's agricultural secretary, Tom Vilsack, a devout Catholic, when he prayed for rain... | 07/16/2017 |
244 | Psalm 71:22-24 - Part 5 | Praising the Lord<br><br>Does not nature around me praise God? If I were silent, I should be an exception to the universe. Does not the thunder praise Him as if rolls like drums in the march of the God of armies ? Do not the mountains praise Him when the woods upon their summits wave in adoration ? Does not the lightning write His name in letters of fire ? Has not the whole earth a voice ? And shall I, can I, silent be ? - Charles Spurgeon... | 07/09/2017 |
243 | Psalm 71:20-22 - Part 4 | Troubles<br><br>Elizabeth Elliot lost her husband Jim Elliot when he and four other men were martyred as they tried to take the gospel to Auca Tribe. She lost her second husband, Addison Leitch to cancer.<br><br>She told of being in Wales and watching a shepherd and his dog. The dog would lord the sheep up a ramp and to a tank of antiseptic in which they had to be bathed to protect them from parasites. As soon as they come out of the tank, the shepherd would grab the rams by the horns and fling them back into the tank and hold them under the antiseptic for a few more seconds. Mrs. Elliot asked the shepherd's wife if the sheep understood what was happening. 'They haven't got a clue', she said. In the same way, shepherd does not explain to us when He takes us through caves or crisis... | 07/02/2017 |
242 | Psalm 71 Part 3 - Psalm 71:9 | "Do not cast me when I am old;<br> Do not forsake me when my strength is gone"<br><br>The great evangelist John Wesley is a good example of serving God in one's senior years. In Wesley's life, he rode 350,000 miles on horseback, preaching the gospel. Preached over 40,000 sermons.<br><br> As he grew older, at the age of 83 he complained because he could only study for fifteen hours a day. At the age of 86, he became concerned about his spiritual state because he felt that he had become slothful by sleeping in until 5 a.m. At 87, he learnt his eleventh foreign language. At 88 he was worried he could only preach twice a day, everyday, six days a week...<br> | 06/25/2017 |
241 | Psalm 71 - part 2 | The Darwinism believe that "Humans and all living things are nothing more than an accident of history. Cosmically inconsequential bundles of stardust adrift in an infinite and purposeless universe". Acclaimed oxford zoologist Richard Dawkins,"We just exist as an accident of history"... | 06/18/2017 |
240 | Psalm 71 | Psalm 71 – “Be my rock of refuge to which I can always go”<br>A critic was disparaging God’s creation one day. “It is all backwards “the man complained. “Look at the foolish way God has done things. He put the little acorn on a tree where it has a strong limb to support it. But he put the watermelon on a little flimsy vine that can’t even hold it up. “If I were God,”he asserted, “I would put the watermelon on the tree and acorn on the vine.” Just as these words came out of his mouth, an acorn fell out of the tree and hit him on the head! God is always right... | 06/11/2017 |
239 | Psalm 70 Part 2 – Psalm 70:5 | Chinese bamboo tree is one of the most remarkable plants on the earth. Once the gardener plants the seed, he will see nothing but a single shoot coming out of the bulb- for five full years. That tiny shoot , however , must have daily food and water. During all the time,the gardener is caring for the plant, the exterior shoot will grow less than an inch.<br> At the end of 5 years, however, the Chinese bamboo will perform an incredible feat. It will grow an amazing ninety feet tall in only ninety days!... | 05/21/2017 |
238 | Psalm 70 Part 1 | “He has made everything beautiful in His time” Psalm70:1<br>The apostle Peter wrote ,”that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years”.<br> An economist once read these words and got very excited.<br>“Lord – is it true that a thousand years for you is just like a minute to you?”<br>“Yes” said God.<br>“Then a million dollars to us is just a penny to you?”<br>“Yes” said God.<br>“Lord, would you give me one penny please?”<br>God said ,”All right. Wait here for a minute”... | 05/14/2017 |
237 | Psalm 69 Part 3 | Psalm 69 Part 3 – Psalm 69:16<br><br>What makes Christianity different from all the other religion of the world? Several years ago this question was taken up for discussion at a conference. Some of the participants argued that Christianity is unique in teaching that God became man. But others said that other religions teach similar doctrines. Even the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was rejected for the same reason. On and on went the discussed unabated.<br> C.S.Lewis , a strong defender of Christianity , came in late , sat down and asked, ”What is the rumpus about?” When he was told what the discussion was all about, he immediately commented,”Oh ,that’s easy. It is grace”... | 05/07/2017 |
232 | Psalm 69 – Part 2 | Psalm 69 – Part 2 (Psalm 69:1-9) <br>Ruth Harons Calkin composed a ditty that sums up the inner and outer pressure of David when he composed this Psalm.<br>Ruth wrote ,”Lord I am drowning. <br> I am in a sea of perplexity.<br> Waves of confusion crash over me .<br> I am too weak to shout for joy.<br> Either quiet the waves <br> Or lift me above them.<br> It is too late to learn to swim.”<br> | 04/30/2017 |
231 | Psalm 69 - Part 1 | “Save me, O God…” Psalm 69:1-3<br><br>In his book, “The survivor’s Club’, Ben Sherwood quotes Ray Smith who co-authored, ‘ How to survive on land and sea’ for the Naval Surviving Training Institute in Pensacola ,Florida when asked What is the secret of survival , Smith states ,”Faith in God.. It is major factor in all survival scenarios.” Sherwood goes on to point out different studies on how religion prolongs your life. He does not write from a Christian perspective but does not downplay role of faith in a crisis. | 04/23/2017 |
230 | Psalm 68 Part 5 | “You, God , are awesome in your sanctuary;<br>the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people” Psalm 68:35<br><br>Most of the people around the world claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings. Researchers call it a new ‘Psychological disorder’. Jeff Kanipe, an authority in this field of study , says some people because of their obsession with their desire for help from another world that they , ‘hallucinate’ help coming from the skies in the form of alien saviours, we might add that oftentimes behave sinisterly... | 04/16/2017 |
229 | Psalm 68 Part 4 | “ Our God …saves… escape from death” Psalm 68:20<br><br>“In this world nothing can be said to be certain; except death and Taxes” – said Benjamin Franklyn. It is in line with the same thought expressed by the Noble Laureate, George Bernard Shaw, who said , “ The statistics of death is very interesting, one out of one dies”. We are destined to die once and after that to face judgement ( Heb 9:27)...<br> | 04/09/2017 |
228 | Psalm 68 Part 3 | “He sets the lonely in families” – Psalm 68:6a<br><br><br>I read an article about how people in Japan are so busy that older people can now rent a family. Here is the quote,”In Japan you can rent a family. Elderly Japanese who are isolated from their children by the terrific pace of modern life can rent a family for lunch and for a few hours. Just call Nippon Kokasei Honbu and ask for son, daughter, grand child , whatever relative you want and that type will show up at your door and greet you as if they haven’t seen in years”. Of course the service is not cheap. Three hours with family will cost $1130 plus transportation.<br> Satsuki Ohiwa founded the business in 1990. She said, “what is common about our clients is that they are thirsty for human love”... | 04/02/2017 |
227 | Psalm 68 – Part 2 | “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows…” (Verse 5)<br><br>85% of all children that exhibit behavioral changes come from fatherless homes.<br>90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.<br>71% of all high school dropouts are from fatherless losses.<br>75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse are from fatherless homes.<br>63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.<br>80% of rapists are from fatherless homes.<br>85% of all youths sitting in prison are from fatherless homes.<br>According to the national Fatherhood initiative and the U.S.Census Bureau, out of 24 million children in America – one out of every three live in biological father-absent homes... | 03/26/2017 |
226 | Psalm 68 Part 1 | ..”who daily bears our burdens” (verse 19)<br><br>Robert Blatchford, a prominent atheist of the United Kingdom, once said, “I cannot believe that God is a personal God who interferes in human affairs. I cannot see in science or in experience or in history, any signs of such a God or of such intervention.”... | 03/19/2017 |
225 | Psalm 67 –Part 2 | “And cause His face to shine upon us “ (Verse 67:1b)<br><br>Dr.Larry Crabb writes,” Until we develop a taste for God, we prefer a better life of blessings from God over a better hope of intimacy with Him”. What happens when blessings don’t come? What happens when the Job we wanted doesn’t pan out, When sickness interrupts our plan, our children don’t act the way we think they should? When our eyes are on our circumstances and not our creator, it is easy to get discouraged. We can lose hope and become bitter. Why? Because we have worshiped the gifts and not the giver, the blessings and not the blesser. We must understand that knowing God is the real blessing. Love the giver rather than the gift... | 03/12/2017 |
224 | Psalm 67 – Part 1 | “May God be gracious to us <br> And bless us…” verse 1a<br><br>What makes Christianity different from all the other religions of the world? Years ago this very question was discussed at a conference. Some of the participants argued that Christianity is unique in teaching that God became man. But some objected saying that other religions teach similar doctrines .What about the Resurrection? No, it was argued, other faiths believe that the dead rise again. The discussion grew heated.<br> C.S.Lewis, a strong defender of Christianity, came in late, sat down, and asked, “What is the rumpus about?” When he learnt that it was a debate about the uniqueness of Christianity, he immediately commented, “Oh, that’s easy. It’s grace.”... | 03/05/2017 |
223 | Psalm 66-Part 4 | “If I cherished sin in my heart<br> the Lord would not have listened” – Verse 18<br><br>Thomas Brooks, in his book The secret key to heaven, gives a brief but wonderful insight into the nature of true prayer. He writes,” God looks not at the elegancy of your prayers, to see how neat they are; nor yet at the geometry of your prayers to see how long they are; nor yet at the arithmetic of your prayers, to see how many they are; nor yet at the music of your prayers, nor yet at the sweetness of your voice, nor yet at the logic of your prayers; but at the sincerity of your prayers, how hearty they are. There is no prayer acknowledged, approved, accepted, recorded, or rewarded by God, but that wherein the heart is sincerely and wholly. The true mother would not have the child divided. As God loves a broken and contrite heart, so he loathes a divided heart.”... | 02/26/2017 |
222 | Psalm 66 –Part 3 | “For you, O God tested us <br>You refined us like silver<br>You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs” (verse 10, 11)<br><br>A woman was in a Bible study, where Malachi 3:3 “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver” was studied. They all wondered what this meant about the character and nature of God. She wanted to visit the workplace of a silversmith in order to get to know what is happening there. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were the hottest as to burn away all the impurities.<br> The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot, and then she thought about the verse that says: He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asks the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man said yes. He not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long it would be destroyed.<br> The woman after being silent asked, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined? He smilingly said, ”Oh that’s easy when I see my image in it”... | 02/19/2017 |
221 | Psalm 66 –Part 2 | “Come and see what God has done <br>how awesome his works in man’s behalf” ( verse 5)<br><br>Loneliness is a growing problem in our society. A study by the American Council of life insurance reported that the most lonely group in America are College students. That is surprising! Next on the list are divorced people, welfare recipients, single mothers, rural students, housewives and the elderly.<br> The great Bible teacher and preacher, Charles Swindell mentioned in an ad in a Kansas newspaper. It read,”I will listen to you talk for 30 minutes without comment for $5.” Swindell said,”It wasn’t long before this individual was receiving 10 to 20 calls a day. The pain of loneliness is so sharp that some were willing to do anything for a half hour of companionship” –(Source unknown)...<br> | 02/12/2017 |
220 | Psalm 66 | When disaster strikes…”Come and see the works of God” ( verse 5)<br><br>Stephen Fry is an author and actor. But he is an atheist. When he was asked what he would say to God when he finds God after his death, He said, “I would say, Bone cancer in children, what’s that all about? How dare you? How dare you create a world where there is such a misery that is not our fault? It is not right, it’s utterly evil.”<br> The world was broken to pieces, when it saw the graphic images streaming out of the earthquake and tsunami devastated nation of Japan, India, Indonesia and SriLanka. They not only create crises but also questions... | 02/05/2017 |
219 | Psalm 66:1 Part 1 | ‘Shout for Joy to God’<br> <br>Charles Spurgeon said “There is a marvelous medicinal power in joy…This blessed Joy is very contagious and dolorous spirit brings a kind of plague into the house .One person who is wretched seems to stop all the birds from singing wherever he goes… But the grace of Joy is contagious. Holy Joy will oil the wheels of your life’s machinery. Holy Joy will strengthen you for your daily labor. Holy Joy will beautify you and give you an influence over the lives of others.”... | 01/29/2017 |
218 | Psalm 65:11 – Part 2 | ‘You crown the year with your bounty”<br> <br>In 1939, King George VI spoke live to offer a message of reassurance to his people. It was to be a landmark speech and was to have an important effect on the listening public as they were plunged into the uncertainty of war. He quoted from Minnie Haskins’ poem “The gate of the Year”.<br>“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:<br>Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown!<br>And he replied, Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.<br>That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way .“... | 01/22/2017 |
217 | Psalm65:2 – Part 1 | Psalm65:2 – Part 1<br> <br> ‘ You who answer prayer”..<br><br>Most of you have now learned to live with voicemail – as a necessary part of our daily lives. But have you ever wondered what it would be like if God decided to install voicemail?<br> Imagine praying and hearing the following: Thank you for calling heaven. For English press 1;For Spanish press 2; For all other languages press 0.<br> Please select one of the following options:<br> Press 1 for Request<br> Press 2 for Thanksgiving<br> Press 3 for Complaints<br> Press 4 for all other inquires<br>I am sorry all our Angels are busy helping others right now. However, your prayer is important to us and we will answer it in the order it was received .Please stay on the line.<br> If you would like to speak to Father, press 1<br> Son, press 2<br> Holy Spirit, press 3<br>The office is now closed for the weekend to observe a religious holiday. Please pray again on Monday after 9:30 am. If you are calling after hours and need emergency assistance, Please contact your local pastor. Thank you. Have a heavenly day!... | 01/15/2017 |
216 | Psalm 64 - Part 1 | Psalm 64 - Part 1<br> ‘Surely the human mind and heart are cunning ‘ Psalm 64:6<br><br>Austrian Konrad Lorenz, a Nobel Prize winner for Medicine in his work on aggression in animals made an interesting observation. He said, “An animal kills in order to eat, without passion, without hate, one might even say peacefully. It kills what its instinct tell it is its food. Cats kill mice, not cats. This is order, not disorder. Meanwhile, man kills man – and cats and mice as well”.<br> Mark Twain said jokingly, “If a cat and a man go across each other , the great mishap will befall the cat and not the man”.<br> Dr. Antony Storr, “We are the cruelest and the most ruthless species that has ever walked the earth. Each one of us harbours within himself those savage impulses which lead to murder, to torture and to war”... | 01/08/2017 |
215 | Psalm 63:11 - Part 4 | Psalm 63:11 - Part 4<br> ‘But the king will rejoice in God’<br><br>C.S.Lewis once said,”It would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased”... | 01/01/2017 |
214 | Psalm 63 Part 3 | Psalm 63 Part 3<br><br>“On my bed I remember you,<br><br>Dr. Jack Haskins, a professor at the university of Tennessee conducted a study to determine the effects of a five minute radio program that was filled with negative news stories: children blown up, earthquakes, riots, etc. One group listened to these types of stories just 5 minutes a day, the other group, the control group listened to positive news stories for the same 5 minutes.... | 12/25/2016 |
213 | Psalm 63 - Part 2 | Psalm 63 - Part 2<br>“Your love is better than life “ Psalm 63:3<br>William Shakespeare defined life in these words , “ This life , which had been the Tomb of his virtue and of his honour , is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage , and then is heard no more : It is a tale told by an idiot,full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.... | 12/18/2016 |
212 | psalm 63:1 part 1 | Psalm 63:1—part 1<br> " I thirst for you" <br>In 1996, a young Marine corporal, Joe Mora, was standing on the platform of an aircraft carrier patrolling the Iranian sea. Unfortunately, he fell overboard; the rescue mission searched and presumed him dead. Fortunately, four Pakistani fishermen found him about 72 hours after he had fallen from his aircraft carrier. They pulled him out of the sea and found him delirious with his tongue cracked and parched... | 12/11/2016 |
211 | psalm 62:11-12-part 4 | Psalm 62:11-12—part 4<br>“Power belongs to God”<br>Charles Spurgeon said, “God’s power is like himself, self-evident, self-sustained. The mightiest of men cannot add so much as a shadow of increased power to the omnipotent one. He sits on no buttressed throne and lean on no assisting arm. His court is not maintained by his courtiers nor does it borrow its splendor from his creatures. He is Himself the great central source and originator of all power"... | 12/04/2016 |
210 | psalm 62:8--part 3 | “O PEOPLE, POUR OUT YOUR HEART BEFORE HIM”<br>Thomas Brooks, in his work, The secret key to heaven, gives a brief but a wonderful insight into the nature of true prayer. He writes: “God looks not at the elegancy of your prayers to see how neat they are; not yet at the geometry of your prayers to see how long they are; ... | 11/27/2016 |
209 | psalm 62 part 2 | PSALM 62—PART 2<br> “GOD ALONE IS THE ROCK”<br>The world famous hymn, Rock of ages, was written by the Rev.A.M.Toplady. Legend says that Toplady wrote the hymn during a stormy incident in England. While traveling along the gorge in Burrington Combe, he was caught in a fierce storm and took shelter in a gap in the gorge where he wrote the original lyrics.... | 11/20/2016 |
208 | psalm 62:1-4 part 1 | Psalm 62:1-4 - Part 1<br>Corrie Ten Boom said, "If you look at the world you will be distressed, if you look within you will be depressed, if you look at God you will be at rest". Some think that David wrote this Psalm in the context of Absalom's rebellion. | 11/13/2016 |
207 | psalm 61;6-8 --part 2 | PSALM 61:6-8 –PART 2<br>"INCREASE THE DAYS OF THE KING’S LIFE..."<br>Dr.Billy Graham, who has been suffering from Parkinson’ disease for some time now, in a recent interview he spoke of his suffering, "I think God sent it me at this age to show me I am totally dependent on Him"<br>Amy Carmichael, who went as a missionary to south India, ... | 11/06/2016 |
206 | psalm 61:2 | DEALING WITH DISCOURAGEMENT<br> 'Lead me to the rock that is higher than I' (v.2)<br>Former heavy- weight boxer James Tillis fought out of Chicago in the early 1980s. On the first day of his arrival in the windy city he had an unforgettable experience of discouragement to him.. | 10/30/2016 |
205 | PSALM 60:11b | 'Human help is worthless' psalm 60:11b<br>On April, 30, 1979 Evelyn Mooers attached a rappelling rope to a drain pipe grating on the roof of the Mark Twain South county bank. Mooers an experienced climber had once scaled 14,410-foot Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The rappelling exercise from the bank building would have been routine but for one miscalculation. | 10/23/2016 |
204 | PSALM 60:11b | 'Human help is worthless' psalm 60:11b<br>On April, 30, 1979 Evelyn Mooers attached a rappelling rope to a drain pipe grating on the roof of the Mark Twain South county bank. Mooers an experienced climber had once scaled 14,410-foot Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The rappelling exercise from the bank building would have been routine but for one miscalculation. The drain pipe grating was not anchored. Numerous bank officials and their friends watched as Mooers plummeted to her death. | 10/23/2016 |
203 | psalm 59 1-17 | PSALM 59:-1-17<br> "Deliver from my enemies, O God"<br>A lady was wakened up by a very strange noise of pecking against the window-pane and she saw a butterfly flying backward and forward inside the window-pane in great fright and outside a sparrow pecking and trying to get at it. The butterfly did not see the glass and expected every moment to be caught and the sparrow did not see the glass and expected every moment to catch the butterfly | 10/16/2016 |
202 | psalm 58 | PSALM 58:1-11<br> ‘A PRAYER FOR JUSTICE’<br>In 1947 Simon Wiesenthal formed a volunteer organization to help and prosecute war criminals. During the next forty years Wiesenthal’s organization tracked down more than one thousand war criminals.<br>What motivated him to do so? During World War 2 he spent the last five years of the war in a series of labor and concentration camps. | 10/09/2016 |
201 | psalm 57:4 part 5 | PSALM 57:4 –PART 5 “I AM IN THE MIDST OF LIONS, I LIE AMONG RAVENOUS BEASTS”<br>The great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, “The depression comes over me whenever God prepares me for a larger blessing in my ministry. The cloud is black before it breaks, and overshadows before it yields its deluge of mercy. | 10/02/2016 |
200 | psalm 57:2 part 4 | Psalm 57:2- part 4<br>'I CRY OUR TO GOD MOST HIGH'<br>C.S. Lewis once said, "A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the Sun by scribbling the word, ' darkness' on the walls of the cell"<br>Can a finite and grail man diminish God’s glory? The American Atheist, Robert Ingersoll, took out his watch to a street audience to demonstrate the non-existence of God. | 09/25/2016 |
199 | psalm 57:2 part 3 | Psalm 57:2 -part 3.<br> “I cry out to God most high, to God who fulfills his purpose for me”<br>Acclaimed Oxford Zoologist Richard Dawkins said, “The scientifically literate know there is no reason why we exist. We just do as an accident of history. No design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but pointless indifference”... | 09/18/2016 |
198 | psalm 57:1 part 2 | Psalm 57:1-part 2<br>“ I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings”<br>In 1967, Joni Eareckson Tada, jumped inti the Chesapeake Bay totally misjudging the depth of the water. As a result of that, she emerged totally paralyzed from head down, and became forever wheel chair-bound. She shows that God often has a good purpose in suffering. On one occasion she discussed having her wheelchair in heaven. She said, “I hope I can take my wheelchair to heaven with me…I will say to the Lord, “Do you see that wheelchair right there?” Well, wheelchair has lots of trouble. The weaker I was in that thing, the harder I leaned on you…I thank you for what you did in my life through that wheelchair...<br> | 09/11/2016 |
197 | psalm 57 part 1 | Psalm 57-part1<br> Jim Elliot and four other men dared to take the Gospel to the hostile Auca tribe fully knowing what to expect from them. Jim Elliot was Elizabeth Elliot’s first husband. When Jim and four other missionaries met with their violent deaths at the hands of the hostile tribe, Elizabeth Elliot encouraged herself in the Lord. After losing her first husband, she remarried, Addison Leitch, whom she lost to cancer. Elizabeth’s undaunted courage and unshakable faith in the Lord motivated her to follow the footsteps of her first husband in propagating the Gospel of the Lord Christ.....<br> | 09/04/2016 |
196 | psalm 56:8 | PSALM 56:8-PART 3<br> “RECORD MY LAMENT, LIST MY TEARS ON YOUR SCROLL, AND ARE THEY NOT IN YOUR RECORD?”<br>The great missionary to India, Stanly Jones, in his book Christ and human suffering, writes “We see that the universe had to be hard. But it is not, ‘a vale of tears’ rather it is a vale of character-making and character cannot be made except in the strain and stress and struggles. We cannot cry out and say ‘Why hast thou made me thus’-for the Lord has not made us yet, he is only in the process. Faith in God and his redemptive purpose will not save you from the trouble but save you through them”.....<br> | 08/28/2016 |
195 | psalm 56:3 part2 | PSALM 56:3—PART 2<br>“WHEN I AM AFRAID, I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU”<br>“We have nothing to fear except fear itself” President Franklin Roosevelt uttered these words in the midst of the worst economic crisis in American history. He said this because fear has always been our greatest enemy, not the cause of the fear, nor the content of the fear, but the fact of fear itself.<br>Newspaper counsellor Ann Landers received an average of 10,000 letters each month. When asked if there was a particular problem that seemed to predominate she said it was fear. Afraid of losing their health, wealth, loved ones, even of life itself.....<br> | 08/21/2016 |
194 | psalm 56:1 part 1 | PSALM 56:1—PART 1<br> ‘BE MERCIFUL TO ME, MY GOD’<br>Thomas Andrew Dorsey was a black Jazz musician from Atlanta. In 20’s he was known for his jazz tunes with suggestive lyrics, but he gave all that up I 1926 to concentrate on spiritual music. “Peace in the valley” is one of his best known songs, but there is a story behind the song that blesses many hearts.<br>In 1932, the times were hard for Dorsey. Just trying to survive the depression years as a working musician is a tough sledding. Some rejected the music as too worldly-the Devil’s music, they called it. When doing a concert in St. Louis he received a telegram informing his that his pregnant wife died suddenly. Shaken to the roots, instead of wallowing in self-pity, he turned to the discipline he knew best—music. Out of his painful misery came the immortal song:<br>‘Precious Lord, take my hand lead me on, let me stand,<br>I am tired, I am weak, I am worn,<br>Thru the storm, thru the night, lead on to the light,<br>Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home’....<br> | 08/14/2016 |
193 | psalm 55:6 part 3 | psalm 55:6 part 3 ' oh that i had the wings of a dove..... <br>Scott Peck, ‘The road less traveled’, opens the book with these words, ‘Life is hard’. How true it is! Every living person is a witness to that truth. Dr.Billy Graham in his sermon, ‘The way of escape’ says Man wants to escape from the harsh realities of this sin-torn life and world through escapism, imagination, pleasure,<br>Security, self-sufficiency, and suicide. Is there a better way of escape available for mankind apart from these?<br> | 08/07/2016 |
192 | psalm 55:17 part 2 | PSALM 55:17-PART 2.<br> “EVENING MORNING, AND NOON I CRY OUT IN DISTRESS AND HE HEARS MY VOICE”<br>There is a story about a man who faced a bit of trouble while flying his small airplane. He called control tower and said, “ Pilot to tower, I am 300 miles from the airport, 600 feet above the ground, and I am out of fuel. I am descending rapidly. Please help. Over. ‘Tower To pilot, the dispatcher began, “Repeat after me, “Our father in heaven…....<br> | 07/31/2016 |
191 | psalm 55:22 part 1 | PSALM 55:22—PART 1<br> “CAST YOUR CARES ON THE LORD AND HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU”<br>There is a funny doggerel about worrying that goes this way:<br>You have either good health or bad health<br>If you have good health, there is no worry,<br>If you have bad health, you either get better or you get worse,<br>If you get better, no worry,<br>If you get worse, you either live or you die, <br>If you live there is no worry, but if you die,<br>You either go to heaven or to hell, <br> If you go to heaven, there is no worry, <br>If you go to hell, there is no worry because you will meet all your friends and relatives there, so why worry?......<br> | 07/24/2016 |
190 | psalm 54:4 part 2 | Psalm 54:4—part -2<br> “Surely God is my help” <br>Most people around the world claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings. Researchers call it “New psychological disorder”. Jeff Kanipe, an authority in this field says, some people become so obsessed with the desire for help from another world that they hallucinate help coming from the skies in the form of alien saviors who behave sinisterly<br> | 07/17/2016 |
189 | PSALM 54:4 PART 1 | PSALM 54:2.“HEAR MY PRAYER O, GOD”Pastor H.B. Charles tells the following story about a woman who would always pray the same prayer every week in the church. The prayer was: “O, lord, thank you Jesus”. Sometimes children would laugh over her prayer.<br>Then one Sunday somebody asked her the reason for her repetition of the same prayer in the church every week. She said that she was combining two prayers that she knew. She went on to say , “We live in a bad neighborhood and some nights there are bullets flying and I have to grab my baby daughter and hide on the floor, at that time ,I cry,”O, lord”. But when I wake up in the morning and see we are okay I say,” Thank you Jesus”.<br>When I got to take my Baby to the bus stop and she gets on the bus and I do not know what is going to happen to her while she is away, I cry, “O Lord”. And then when 3:00 pm comes and the bus arrives and my baby is safe, I say “Thank you Jesus”. These are only two prayers I know and when I get to church I just put my two prayers together, “O Lord, Thank you Jesus<br> | 07/10/2016 |
188 | PSALM 53:3 PART 3 | Psalm 53:3 –Part 3<br> <br>There is an interesting incident in C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape proposes a toast’. Screwtape , a senior Devil was at a dinner for a college of the junior devils who were getting ready to go out there and tempt the human race and make life miserable. So Screwtape suggests a particular method for making people’s lives miserable and making the world a horrible place.<br>What he suggests is there is a particular feeling human beings have and what you want to do is turn the gas upon that feeling .Whatever else you do, make sure you enhance that feeling, because this is the feeling that will ruin their lives- the feeling I am talking about is that which prompts a person to say, “I am as good as you”- that is the essence of sin”......<br> | 07/03/2016 |
187 | psalm 53:1-part 2 | PSALM 53:1-PART 2<br>“THEY ARE CORRUPT AND THEIR WAYS ARE VILE, THERE IS NO ONE WHO DOES GOOD”<br>Noble prize winner Alexzander Solzhenitsyn was asked to account for the great tragedies that occurred under the brutal communist regime he and his fellow citizens under. He gave the following explanation:<br>“ Over a half century ago while I was still a child , I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God: that is why all this has happened. Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution. In the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies….But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat, “Men have forgotten God, that is why all this has happened”......<br> | 06/26/2016 |
186 | psalm 53:1-part 1 | Psalm 53:1 (Part-1)<br><br>A college professor, an atheist , went on in his class shocking the students with a challenge that he was going to prove that there was no God. Looking up the ceiling, he shouted, “God, if you are there, then I want you to knock me off this platform in 15 minutes.” There was silence. After ten minutes, he repeated the same. His countdown got down to the last couple of minutes. When a Marine-just released from active duty, and newly registered in the class- walked up to the professor and hit him with full force, throwing him off the platform. Shocked students sat in silence. Eventually, the shell shocked professor regained his senses and asked the Marine, “What is the matter with you? Why did you that?” The cool and the compact Marine replied, “God was busy…. So, he sent me.”.....<br><br> | 06/19/2016 |
185 | psalm 52:8 | Mike Tyson, former heavy weight boxing Champion once said, "I am in trouble because I am normal and slightly arrogant. A lot of people do not like themselves and I happen to be totally in love with myself." That is his trouble!<br>Anyone who is in love with himself is bound to have trouble. Tyson, in his profitable boxing career, he had won 400 million dollars but unfortunately, lost all of them to become a penniless and homeless man! He was in and out of jail all the time; he had trouble with women; involved in fights outside the ring cutting a sorry figure of him. All because he loved himself making himself his own enemy... | 06/12/2016 |
184 | psalm 51:13-part 9 | Psalm 51:13-part 9.<br> “Then I will teach transgressors your ways,<br> So that sinners will turn back to God”<br>D.L.Moody once said, “The monument I want after I am dead is a monument with two legs going around the World-a saved sinner telling about the Salvation of Jesus Christ” <br> | 06/05/2016 |
183 | psalm 51:12--part 8 | PSALM 51:12---PART 8.<br>“RESORE TO ME THE JOY OF SALVATION”<br>James Denny, the Scottish theologian and preacher once wrote, “There is not in the New testament from beginning to end, in the record of the original and genuine Christian life, a single word of despondency or gloom. It is the most buoyant, exhilarating, and joyful book in the world”<br>C.S. Lewis wrote, “It is not so much the joy of the Lord we are seeking as the Lord of joy Himself”<br>William Barclay said, “A gloomy Christian is a contradiction in terms, and nothing in all religious history has done Christianity more harm than its connection with black clothes and long faces”......<br> | 05/29/2016 |
182 | psalm 51:10-part 7 | Psalm 51:10-part 7 - "Create in me a clean heart"<br>Once the great American boxing legend, Mohammad Ali, was asked, "what does your faith mean to you?" He said, "It means a ticket to heaven. One day we are all going to die and God is going to judge our good and bad deeds. If tour bad deeds outweigh the good you go to hell. If the good deeds outweigh the bad you go to heaven. I go to parties, see good looking girls. I take a box of matches with me. When I see a girl I want to flirt with, which is sin, so I light my matches and touch my finger with it.Hell hurts more than this. Buy a box of matches and carry them with you".... | 05/22/2016 |
181 | psalm 51:7- Part 6 | Psalm 51:7-part 6.<br>In Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth, after murdering Duncan, Macbeth says to Lady Macbeth, “Will all great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood from my hand?” lady Macbeth, who is Hand-in- glove with her husband in the murder of Duncan, in complete mental breakdown, imagines that the blood stain of the murder is upon her hands too, She in her mad frenzy, blurts out, “Here is the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand, O, O, and O!”.....<br> | 05/15/2016 |
180 | psalm 51-part 5 | Psalm 51:5 –part 5.<br>“I WAS SINFUL AT BIRTH”<br>Ray Stedman made a practical observation in his “Guilt to Glory”. He said, “Every Baby starts life as a little savage. He is completely selfish and self-centered. He wants what he wants when he wants it- his bottle, his mother’s attention, his playmates’ toy his uncle’s watch…….He has no morals, no knowledge, no skills. That means all children not just certain children are born delinquent. If permitted to continue in the self-centered world of his infancy, given free reign to his impulsive actions to satisfy his wants every child would grow up to be a criminal, a thief, a killer, a rapist”........<br> | 05/08/2016 |
179 | psalm 51-part 4 | Psalm51—part-4<br>The German Atheistic philosopher, Frederic Nietzsche in his, “Parable of the Madman “tries to explain away the existence of God. The parable goes this way: “One early morning a madman with a lantern in his hand goes into the market place shouting, “I am looking for God”. Many Atheists there asked, “Why?” Did he get lost? Is he afraid of us...?<br> The madman blurts out, “We have killed him, you and I. All of us are his murderers. Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the grave-diggers…..? Do we not smell anything yet of God’s decomposition….? God is dead, and we have killed him”.<br>The philosophy of God being dead, is gaining momentum in the present century. If God is dead, then who will take the place of God? Nietzsche mockingly asserts, “Superman will take the place of God”......<br> | 05/01/2016 |
178 | PSALM 51-PART 3 | , PSALM 51 PART 3.<br>Ted Turner the Media Mogul of America once said, “Do not go to church on Sundays to pray to an unknown being who has not shown in thousands of years to come and save you. You need to get off your knees and roll up your sleeves and save yourself”. Robert Ingersoll an American agnostic Lawyer once asserted, “Science is the only savior of the world. Civilization of the heart and the development of the brains will drive crime and want from the Society"......<br> | 04/24/2016 |
177 | PSALM 51-PART 2 | Psalm 51-part 2.<br>Michael Kennedy son of late Robert F. Kennedy blamed alcohol for his affair with his children’s baby sitter.<br>Christopher Badcock author of Psycho Darwinism believes the father’s genes build the emotive side of the child while the elements of the intellect are determined by the mother. We have the father’s emotions and mother’s brains. In other words do not blame the child for any wrong doing because the child is hardwired to behave that way!.......<br> | 04/17/2016 |
176 | PSALM 51-PART 1 | Psalm 51—part 1<br>The story is told of man who was looking for a job. He was a man with bulging muscles. One day he saw an ad on the gate of a zoo for a man to play the part of a monkey! He wanted to take it as money was tight to make ends meet. He was to slip onto an outfit of a monkey in the morning, get into the cage, pensively walk up and down, and eat peanuts and bananas all through the day, to jump from one tree to the other in the cage. One day he was very exhausted and lost his balance as he was jumping from one tree to the other in the far corner of the cage. He accidently fell into the cage of a Lion which came charging on him. He shouted,” Help, help” The Lion in a calm voice looking him in his face uttered, “If you don’t shut up we will both lose our jobs”.....<br> | 04/10/2016 |
175 | PSALM 50:14 | Psalm 50:14. “Sacrifice thank offering to God” <br> There is a story about a woman, who had been married to a negative, griping, critical husband for over twenty tears. She finally decided to be more loving to him. One morning she decided to everything that would be pleasing to him. She got up in the morning, got her husband the Newspaper, the slippers, and asked him very sweetly what he wanted to eat for breakfast. He told her he wanted two eggs, one scrambled, one fried and some coffee. She ran out to the store, got his favorite brand of coffee, two fresh eggs and hurried home to prepare them for him. She was fully satisfied for having done everything exactly he wanted. She took it to him and placed them on his lap and her husband looked at it, a big scowl came over his face. She said, “What is wrong?” He said, “You scrambled the wrong egg”......<br> | 04/03/2016 |
174 | psalm 50:15 | PSALM 50:15<br>The great preacher, Charles Spurgeon, once made an insightful observation of our Christian life in these words. He said, ‘I bear willing witness that I owed more to the fire, and the hammer, and the file than anything else in my Lord’s workshop. I sometimes question whether I have ever learned anything except through the rod”<br>The American preacher David Jeremiah, once said, “Show me someone who leads a carefree life with no problems or trials or dark night of the soul, and I will show you a shallow person”.....<br><br> | 03/27/2016 |
173 | PSALM 50-PART 1 | A.W.Tozer once said, “Wrong thinking about God leads to wrong living. Our lives will not be greater than our concept of God. Inadequate living is the direct result of inadequate ideas about God......<br> | 03/20/2016 |
172 | Psalm 49:17 | Elizabeth I, England’s greatest and most controversial Queen, lay on a death bed. The nation’s best doctors battled to save her life, but in vain. When she was told that she was going to die, the unfortunate Queen began to weep. “I will give millions for an inch of time” she sobbed. | 03/13/2016 |
171 | Psalm 49:12 | Howard Hughes (1905-1976) at 45, was a glamorous man in America. He dated actresses, piloted exotic test aircraft, worked on top secret CIA contracts. Owned a lot of Hotels around the world, even an airline TWA. At 65 he was worth for 2.3 Billion but all his wealth, fame and name could not give the peace of mind he was longing for. Lived in the small dark room atop his Hotels without sun or joy unkempt, bearded waist length, finger nails 2 inches long, his 6.4 frame shrunk to 100 pounds. Spent time watching movies, naked in bed and life had no meaning. Hooked on drugs and died at 67. Hughes had it all, but outside a “Splendor, but inside a Sepulcher” | 02/14/2016 |
170 | psalm 48-part-3 | Psalm 48 – Part 3 2/7/2016<br>V.14: ”He will be our guide even to the end”….<br>The luxury Steam Ship RMS Titanic met its catastrophic end in the North Atlantic, plunging two miles to the ocean floor after side wiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage on April 14, 1912 at 11.40 am. The engineer who designed the ship, was full of pride when he reiterated, not even God could sink this ship. We don’t need God’s protection. We have built an unsinkable ship”. It was 882 ½ feet long; anchor weight 15 ½ tons with each chain link weighing 175 pounds; its double – bottom 5 feet thick; to insure additional safety, it had 9 decks. <br> | 02/07/2016 |
169 | psalm 48:14-part 2 | Psalm 48-Part 2 3/1/2015<br>Psalm 48:14 – The Personal Guide<br>It was William Ernest Henley, in Invictus, wrote, “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul”<br> | 01/10/2016 |
168 | Psalm 48 - Part 1 | For the God is our God for ever and ever he will be our guide even to the end' Elizabeth Elliot telling two of adventurers who stopped to see her, all loaded with equipment for the rain forest east of the Andes. They did not want any advice, but seemed to be relying on just a few phrases to converse with the Indians. | 12/27/2015 |
166 | Psalm 47 - Part 2 | Praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment. It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling C.S. Lewis once observed, “I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the one another how beautiful they are: the delight is incomplete till it is expressed”. | 12/20/2015 |
165 | Psalm 47 - Part 1 | 13/12/2015 Psalm 47 V.7 “For God is the King of all the Earth”<br>After a reign of 72 years, King Louis XIV died in 1715. He boasted himself “The Great” and took great pride in calling himself “I am the state”. As his mortal body lay in a state in a golden coffin, orders were given that the Cathedral should be very dimly let with only a special candle set above his coffin, to mark his greatness. At the memorial service, thousands waited in stunned silence. Then the Bishop Massilon began to speak; slowly reaching down, he snuffed out the candle and said “Only God is great”......continue<br> | 12/13/2015 |
164 | Psalm 46 - Part 4 | Psalm 46: Part 4<br> Be still and know that I am God V∙10<br><br>It was Mother Teresa who once said, “Great things in the world happen in silence- the stars and the planets move in silence, the flowers bloom in silence”. The proverb says speech is silver but silence is Golden. Mother Teresa used to stand on her knees early morning in silence for an hour before God...... <br> | 12/06/2015 |
163 | Psalm 46 - Part 3 | “God is within her, She will not fail”………… 2015 Psalms 46:5 – Part 3<br> October 2009, five boys ages 13-15 in Miami set a boy on fire because he betrayed one of them for stealing a bicycle. They frantically searched for that boy and found him near a pool and held him as they poured rubbing alcohol over his body. They then set him on fire. The boy jumped into the pool suffering 60% burns. When the fire was produced in the court, the judgement was announced, except one, all the rest of the boys laughed ....... | 11/29/2015 |
162 | Psalm 46 - Part 2 | "Therefore we will not fear"<br>It is reported that the newspaper counselor, Ann Landers, receives an average of 10,000 letters each month and nearly all of them from people burdened with problems. She was asked if there was any one of them which predominates through out the letters she receives and her reply was the one problem above all the others seems to be fear. People are afraid of losing their health, their wealth, their loved ones, and some are afraid of life itself. | 11/22/2015 |
161 | Psalm 46 - Part 1 | 11/15/2015<br>Psalm 46<br>A distinguished painter was conducting a class for aspiring artists. He was teaching on the subject of artistic composition. He emphasized that it was wrong, for example, to portray a woodland, a forest, or a wilderness, without painting into a path out of the trees. When a true artist draws any kind of picture say a landscape, he always gives his picture an out. Otherwise, the tangle of trees and the trackless spaces depress and dismay the onlooker... | 11/15/2015 |
160 | psalm 45:17 | Psalm 45:17<br>" I will perpetuate your memory through all generations , therefore the nations will praise you for ever and ever" <br>V 1<br>1) who will perpetuate?<br>Psalmist say 'I will<br>The Bible teacher Don Wilton once talked about getting ready to serve on Billy Graham's team for a crusade in Korea. Dr . Wilton told about sitting on the platform one night during the invitation, right next to Billy. Dr. Wilton could not help notice that during ...... | 11/08/2015 |
159 | psalm45:17 | Psalm 45:17 "I will perpetuate your memory through all generations , therefore the nations will praise you for ever and ever" 1) who will perpetuate?Psalmist say 'I will".The The Bible teacher Don Wilton once talked about getting ready to serve on Billy Graham's team for a crusade in Korea. Dr . Wilton told about sitting on the platform one night during the invitation, right next to Billy. | 11/08/2015 |
158 | psalm 45:17 | sPalm 45:17<br>" I will perpetuate your memory through all generations , therefore the nations will praise you for ever and ever" <br>V 1<br>1) who will perpetuate?<br>Psalmist say 'I will<br>The Bible teacher Don Wilton once talked about getting ready to serve on Billy Graham's team for a crusade in Korea. Dr . Wilton told about sitting on the platform one night during the invitation, right next to Billy. Dr. Wilton could not help notice that during .... | 11/08/2015 |
157 | Psalm 45-Part 2 | "Your throne, O God will last for ever and ever"-v Dr. Michael Scriven, an Indiana University Professor has called himself an evangelist. He said " I seek to convert people on the belief that there is no God"Thomas. J. J. Altizer, Associate professor of Belgium at Emory University Atlanta, Georgia said, " Christian theology must proclaim the death of God. God has disappeared from history .... He is truly dead. We must recognise that the death of God is an historical event. God has died in our time, in our history, in our existence.Modern man not only dethrones God from his Royal throne, but has the moral audacity to call him a dead and disappeared from the human history and existence. | 11/01/2015 |
156 | Psalm 45 - Part 1 | A man in Kansas City was injured in an explosion which left his face totally disfigured. He lost his eye-sight as well as both his hands. But he became Christian when the accident happened. He was very passionate to read the Bible, but he could not. He heard about a lady in England who read Braille with her lips. He got some books of the Bible in Braille, but having got the nerve ending in his lips totally damaged he could not read the Braille pages with his lips. | 10/25/2015 |
154 | Psalm 44 - Part II | “He knows the secret gory heart”<br>On January 19, a team of at least 15 people assassinated Hamas leader Mahmond Al-Mabhouh. Dubai Police released video footage of 11 of them.<br> | 09/27/2015 |
153 | Psalm 44 | The only unsinkable ship ever built was an ancient one made of gopher wood, 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It was three high stories high and sealed with pitch it is one of the three arks mentioned in the Bible – all have one thing in common; they all are God’s provision for deliverance from death and judgement. | 09/20/2015 |
152 | Psalm 43 | One day a woman asked R.C.Sproul, ‘why bad things happen to good people,’ the question that has been baffling the world for ages! R.C.Sproul’s answer is the best: I don't know, I haven't met any good people”. | 09/13/2015 |
151 | Psalm 43:3 | Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad was an English Philosopher and broadcasting personality. He was a strong critic of Christianity. Once he described Christianity as a dying religion, organized Christianity, he wrote, “will disappear within the next hundred years.” He considered reason a higher creed than Christianity. | 08/30/2015 |
150 | Psalm 42:9 | Simon and Garfunkel sing about being your own rock in their moving song entitled, ‘I am a Rock’ (from Sounds of Silence, 1966)<br>“Don't talk of love – well I've heard the word before.<br> | 08/23/2015 |
149 | Psalm 42:7 | “Deep calls to Deep”<br>Scott Peck in his famous book, ‘The Road less travelled’ opens it with three words: ‘Life is hard’. God uses the hardness of our lives in order to teach us very many valuable lessons which would strengthen our faith.<br> | 08/16/2015 |
148 | Part 42 :1-2 - Part II | Frederich Nietzsche, in his ‘The Parable of Madman’ advocates the most infamous philosophy: “God is dead”. A mad man one morning went to a market place with a lantern in his hand shouting, ‘I am looking for God, I am looking for God’. Many Atheists gathered there asked, why? Did he get lost? Did he lose his way like a child? Or is he hiding? | 08/09/2015 |
147 | Psalm 42 Part I | A few years ago, a young marine corporal named, Joey Mara was standing on a platform of an aircraft carrier that was patrolling the Iranian sea. Unfortunately, he fell overboard. For 36 hours his absence went unnoticed. After an additional 24 hours, the search and rescue mission gave up their hope of finding him alive. It is impossible to find a man alive in the sea after 60 hours. | 08/02/2015 |
146 | Psalm 41 | ‘I know you are pleased with me’ (v.11)<br>Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. His ‘The Jesus’ film was seen over 4 billion people, and thousands were converted to Christ. He was once asked, “Why did God use and bless your life so much?” | 07/26/2015 |
145 | Psalm 40 Part V | <br>The famous songwriter and poet, Ruth Harms Calkin, summed up the plight of humanity in this sin-sick world in the following words of prayer:<br>“Lord, I am drowning in a sea of perplexity,<br>Waves of confusion crush over me, <br> | 07/19/2015 |
144 | Psalm 40:6-8 Part VI | It was Winston Churchill who said once of Russia, “you are a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma” Psalm 40:6-8 gives us the same impression. | 07/12/2015 |
143 | Psalm 40:4- Part III | It depends on whose hands it is in.<br><br>A basketball in my hands is worth about 19 dollar, <br>A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about 33 million.<br>It depends on whose hands it is in.<br> | 07/05/2015 |
142 | Psalm 40 : 2,3 - Part II | Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist, when went through depression said, <br>“There is a period in my life when everything seemed to be crumbling, the very foundations of my convictions were beginning to give way and I felt myself going to pieces. | 06/28/2015 |
140 | Psalm 40:1 Patience Part I | <br> <br>The great New England preacher Phillips Brooks was known for his patience and quite manner. But at times, he had his moments of the great New England preacher Phillips Brooks was known for his patience and quite manner. | 06/21/2015 |
139 | Psalm 39:6 Wealth is worthless | John G.Wendel and his sister were some of the most miserly people of all time. Although they had received a huge inheritance from their parents, they spent very little of it and did all they could to keep their wealth for themselves. | 06/14/2015 |
138 | Psalm 39:7 - "My hope is in you" | A number of years ago researchers performed an experiment to see the effect hope has on those undergoing hardship. Two sets of laboratory rats were placed in separate tubs of water. | 06/07/2015 |
137 | Psalm 39:4-5 Brevity of Life | Amy Carmichael, Irish missionary to India once said, “We will have eternity to celebrate the victories, but only a few hours before sunset to win them”. | 05/31/2015 |
136 | Psalm 39: V 1 | Do you know that the average person spends one-fifth of his life talking? | 05/24/2015 |
135 | Psalm 38 - Part I | Thomas Guthrie, wrote of sin, “Who is the painted temptress that steals our virtue? Who is the murderess that destroys our life? Who is the sorceress that first deceives and then damns our soul? SIN. Who with icy breath blights the fair blossoms of youth? Who breaks the heart of parents? Who brings old man gray hairs with sorrow to the grave? SIN ………….. | 02/08/2015 |
134 | Psalm 37 Part II | Mark Twain, American humorist had a very pessimistic view of life when he died at the age of 75. He observed, “A myriad of men are born, they labor and sweat and struggle for bread. They squabble and scold and fight….age creeps upon them; infirmities follow…those whom they like are taken from them, and the joy of life is turned to aching grief…released at last—the only unpoisoned gift earth ever had for them and they vanish from a world where they were of no consequence …… a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever”. | 02/01/2015 |
133 | Psalm 37 Part - I | When Rabbi Harold Kushner, wrote, “When bad things happen to good people” years ago, many wrote to tell him that they had a great idea for a sequel. Why not write a book about, “Why good things happen to bad people”. | 01/25/2015 |
132 | Psalm 36 Part II | <br>Max Lucado in his book, “A Love Worth Giving” said, “Our love depends on the receiver of love. Let a thousand people pass before us and we will not feel the same about each. Our love will be regulated by their appearance, by their personalities. Given when we find a few people we like, our feelings will fluctuate. How they treat us will affect how we love them. | 01/18/2015 |
131 | Psalm 36 - Part I | Deceitfulness of Sin: 36:1-4<br>Harry Ironside (illustrations of Bible Truth, P.71) tells of asking a man after a gospel meeting, “Are you saved, sir?” The man replied that he was not, but he would like to be. Ironside asked him if he realized that he was a lost sinner. The man replied, “Well I suppose I am, but I am not what you could call a bad sinner. I am, I think, a rather a good one. | 01/11/2015 |
130 | Psalm 35 - Part II | John Newton, an English sailor and a captain of slave ships, who later became a dedicated Christian to write 'Amazing Grace'once said,” Men of the world are like children. Offer a child an apple and a bank note, he will doubtlessly choose the apple. | 12/28/2014 |
128 | Psalm 35 - Part I | Mark Twain once said, “If a man and a cat go across each other, the worst thing will befall the cat not man”!<br>The great philosopher Schopenhauer made similar observation, “Man is at the bottom, a wild and terrible animal. We know him only as what we call civilization has tamed and trained him. | 12/21/2014 |
127 | Psalm 34 - Part IV | Dr. Paul Brand, the noted leprosy expert who was chief of the rehabilitation branch of the Leprosarium in Carville, Louisiana, had a frightening experience one night when he thought he had contracted leprosy. Dr.Brand arrived in London one night after an exhausting transatlantic ocean trip and long train ride from the English coast. | 12/14/2014 |
126 | Psalm 34 Part III | At the University of Chicago Divinity School, each year they have what is called “Baptist Day”. It is a day all the baptists in the area are invited to the school because they want the baptist dollars to keep coming in. On this day each one is to bring a lunch to be eaten outdoors in a grassy picnic area. Every Baptist day the school would invite one of the greatest minds to lecture in the theological center. | 12/07/2014 |
125 | Psalm 34 - Part II | The great American author and humorist, Mark Twain, once said, “Man is a marvelous curiosity. He thinks he is the Creator’s pet. He even believes that the Creator loves him, has a passion for him, sits up nights to admire him and watch over him and keep him out of trouble. He prays to him and thinks he listens. Is it not a quaint idea?”<br> | 11/30/2014 |
124 | Psalm 34 - Part I | Robin William was suffering from “Lewy body dementia” a neurodegenerative disease, which led to the 63 year- old comedian’s suicide. The legendary entertainer was found dead on Aug 1, at his home in Northern California. | 11/23/2014 |
122 | Psalm 33 - Part III | Alexis de Tocqueville is said to have observed “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, but it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her fertile fields, and boundless forests, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. | 11/16/2014 |
123 | Psalm 33 - Part II | Dr.Carol McCall, a social psychologist with over 40 years of outstanding experience and entrepreneur, advocated 3 A’s for a successful relationship with men. They are: | 11/09/2014 |
121 | Psalm 33 Part - I | The Duke of Wellington, the British Military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding, not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet, even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. | 11/02/2014 |
120 | Psalm 32 Part III | A number of years ago a guilt-ridden tax payer wrote the following letter to the I.R.S.:<br>Gentlemen:<br>Enclosed you will find a cheque for $ 150. I cheated on my income tax return last year and have not been able to sleep since then.<br>Sincerely,<br> A tax payer.<br> | 10/26/2014 |
119 | Psalm 32 Part II | How does a worm get inside an apple? Popular thinking is, the worm burrows in from the outside. But, that is not true. Scientists have discovered that the worm comes from inside. But how does it get in there? It is very simple. An insect lays an egg in the apple blossom. | 10/19/2014 |
118 | Psalm 32 - Part I | The story is an old one. It is about a man who was looking for a job. He was a man with bulging muscles. He was a body builder by training. Money was tight and he was badly, madly, and sadly on the lookout for any job. At last he saw an ad at the entrance to a zoo for a man to work at the zoo. | 10/12/2014 |
117 | Psalm 31 - Part 3 | The philosopher Hans Jonas once said that three things have distinguished human life from other animal experience since early prehistory: The tool, the image, and the grave. The tool imposes man’s knowledge and will onto nature. The image – man’s paintings and other art- projects his imagination | 10/05/2014 |
116 | Psalm 31 - Part 2 | There was a woman who was the classic, “Type A”, always under self-imposed stress. One of her friends invited her to come home for dinner. While she was busy fixing dinner, she asked her to watch a video on stress management. She came into the kitchen after a few minutes, handed her friend the tape and said, “It was good, but I don’t need it”. | 09/28/2014 |
115 | Psalm 31 - Part I | In January 1956, during the tense days of the Montgomery Boycott, civil rights leader Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. was restless in his bed without a wink of sleep. A threatening phone call had terrified him. So he prayed, “I am here taking a stand for what I believe is right. | 09/21/2014 |
114 | Psalm 30 - Part II | Researchers at University of Oklahoma, trained a 15 year old female chimpanzee named Washoe to communicate by combining sign language with simple recognition. Over the years, Washoe learned 140 signs. Finally the project directors decided that the chimpanzee was ready to conceptualize. That meant that instead of merely imitating some human words, Washoe would express thoughts of her own. | 09/14/2014 |
113 | Psalm 30 - Part I | The great philosopher Cornel West puts it best when he says, “If you live long enough, a moment of spiritual death is inevitable. The question is: How will you wrestle with it?” ‘Night’ comes into every life, it may be true right at this very moment you are going through such “night” experience-all darkness, despair and depression around you. | 09/07/2014 |
112 | Psalm 29 - Part II | During the French Revolution Jean Bon St.Andra, the vendean revolutionist said to a peasant, “I will have all your steeples pulled down, that you may no longer have any object by which you may be reminded of your old superstitions”. But replied the peasant, "You cannot help leaving us the stars.” | 08/31/2014 |
111 | Psalm 29 - Part I | The famous theologian A.W.Tozer once said, “Wrong thinking about God leads to wrong living. Our lives will not be greater than our concept of God. Inadequate living is the direct result of inadequate ideas of God”.<br> | 08/24/2014 |
110 | Psalm 28 - Part II | One Sunday evening, a burglar broke into a church to steal Sunday collections. The burglar, well-versed in his trade, saw a note on the safe, “If you feel that you must rob us, please do not use explosives and do unnecessary damage. The safe is not locked, just turn the knob”. The burglar did as he was told by the note on the safe. | 08/17/2014 |
109 | Psalm 28 - Part I | While very ill John Knox, the founder of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland, called to his wife and said, “Read me that scripture where I first cast my anchor”. After he listened to the beautiful prayer of Jesus recorded in John 17, he seemed to forget his weakness. He began to pray, interceding earnestly for the ungodly and pleaded for the new converts | 08/10/2014 |
108 | Psalm 27 - Part III | Harold Kushner, the great Jewish theologian talks about an experiment carried out by a professor in pain tolerance. Several dozen students were asked to participate. Each participant was asked to keep a bare foot immersed in a bucket of ice water, if someone was present in a room, a person could keep his foot nearly twice as long! | 08/03/2014 |
107 | Psalm 27 - Part II | In the Coliseum of ancient Rome, a slave was thrown into the pit against a lion in a fight to death. If the slave survived, he would be granted freedom and fame, otherwise he would die. Having no weapons the slave did not know how he would survive such an ordeal. Suddenly the time came, the gate was lifted and in walked the biggest lion the slave had ever seen, | 07/27/2014 |
104 | Psalm 27 - Part I | When thy laid John Knox, who was a minister of the Christian gospel, and a firebrand for the cause of Christ, to rest in a grave, the earl of Morton looked down and said, “Here lies one who feared God so much that he never feared the face of any man.” | 07/20/2014 |
103 | Psalm 26 - Part I | Scientists now say that a series of slits, not a giant gash, sank the ‘Titanic’. The opulent 900 feet cruise ship sank in 1912 on its first voyage, from England to New York. Fifteen hundred people died in the worst maritime disaster of the time.<br> | 07/13/2014 |
102 | Psalm 25 - Part III | Philip Yancy in “Reaching For the invisible God”, talks about Princess Diana’s tragic accident in which she was killed. When Princess Diana died in the accident, a minister was interviewed and was asked the question “How can God allow such a terrible tragedy?” How God could be held responsible for a crime committed by a drunken driver, driving at the speed of 90 miles an hour in a narrow tunnel? | 07/06/2014 |
101 | Psalm 25 - Part II | Years after the death of President Calvin Coolidge, this story came to light. In the early days of his presidency, Coolidge awoke one morning in his hotel room to find a cat burglar going through his pockets. | 06/29/2014 |
100 | Psalm - 25 Part I | The great philosopher of earlier century, Bertrand Russell, was an outspoken atheist. He wrote “Why I am not a Christian”. At 81, at the far end of his life, he was interviewed on the BBC. He was asked what he had, to hang onto when death was obviously so close. He said “I have nothing to hang onto but grim, unyielding despair”. | 06/22/2014 |
99 | Psalm 24- Part II | In Seattle, a 26 year old man was taken to Harbor View Medical Center wednesday, after scaling a downtown building so he could pray and “be closer to God” only to fall from his perch. Around 6:30 am officers were summoned to 5 avenue and pike street, when a man high on a ledge above a store front owning began calling for help. | 06/15/2014 |
98 | Psalm 24 Part - I | Astronaut James Edwin is one of but a few men to walk on the moon. As he stood upon the lunar landscape and looked up at the earth he prayed for the first time in his life. He thought about the strife among nations, poverty, hunger, and rampant evil; and he thought to himself: “What is more important than man walking on the moon is that God should walk on earth”. | 06/08/2014 |
97 | Psalm 23 - Part VIII | French politician and writer Alexis de Tocqueville, was prominent in politics, particularly just before and just after the revolution of 1848.In the 1830’s he toured America. When his tour had been completed he made this observation | 06/01/2014 |
96 | Psalm 23 - Part VII | Here is a beautiful poem that sums up the way God prepares a man to mold him into a person of His choice:-<br><br><br>When God wants to drill a man,<br>And thrill a man,<br>And skill a man....<br> | 05/25/2014 |
95 | Psalm 23 Part - VI | “Thy rod and staff they comfort me” 23:4<br>Eric is a retired pilot with 30 years of an impeccable service. He is a good Christian and a Sunday school teacher. He said, “There is a great potential from your body and your emotions to play tricks on you. | 05/18/2014 |
94 | Psalm 23 Part - V | Verse 4b …I will fear no evil for thou art with me”….<br>Martin Buber ,the great Jewish philosopher and a theologian, made a distinction between theology and religion. He stated that theology was talking about God while religion was experiencing God. | 05/11/2014 |
93 | Psalm 23 - Part IV | In 1997 Dr.James Dobson toured the Grace land Mansion, the former house of Elvis Presley in Memphis. He says “I was struck by the utter insignificance of the stuff Elvis left behind. It led me to ask, so what? So what if there are hundreds of tarnished gold and platinum records hanging side by side in the mansion? So what if RCA gave Elvis a trophy 9 feet high and described him as the greatest entertainer of all times? | 05/04/2014 |
92 | Psalm 23 -Part III | Scientists recently estimated that the planet Mars is bombarded by about 200 asteroids a year. About every day and a half on earth, another asteroid slams into the surface of Mars, creating a crater 3-6 feet in diameter! We live in a precarious world. Every single minute is filled with dangers of different kinds. | 04/27/2014 |
91 | Psalm 23 - Part II | One winters night in 1935, Fiorello LaGuardia the irrepressible mayor of New York, showed up at a night court in the poorest ward of the city. He dismissed the judge for the evening and took over the bench. That night a tattered woman, charged with stealing a loaf of bread, was brought before him. | 04/20/2014 |
90 | Psalm 23 - Part I | Edward Ziegler in the modern version of Psalm 23 said,<br><br>Science is my shepherd,<br>I shall not want <br>He makes me to lie down on foam –rubber mattresses,<br>He leads me besides the six lane high ways,<br>He rejuvenateth my thyroid glands, | 04/13/2014 |
89 | Psalm 22-Part III | Austrian Konrad Lorenz,the Noble prize winner for medicine in his work on 'Aggression in animals' said "An animal kills in order to eat, without passion,without hate,one might even say peacefully. It kills what its instinct tells is its food. Cats kill mice,not cats. | 04/06/2014 |
88 | Psalm 22 Part - II | Once St. Augustine was accosted by a heathen who showed his idol and said, “Here is my God, where is thine?” Augustine responded, “I cannot show you my God, not because there is no God to show but because you have no eyes to see Him”. It is the human problem today. Man in his fallen and fallible nature is spiritually blind to see God in his life which leads him to conclude that God is either absent or silent in human affairs. | 03/30/2014 |
87 | Psalm 22 - Part 1 | Martin Luther, who penned, `A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' in 1527 wrote, “For more than a week, I was close to the gates of death and hell. I trembled in all my members. Christ was wholly lost. The content of depression was always the same, the loss of faith that God is good and He is good to me." | 03/23/2014 |
86 | Psalm - 21 | Going into the fight Mike Tyson was the undefeated and undisputed champion of the world. He held the WBC ,WBA, and IBF titles .Mike Tyson was lethal in the ring .Larry Merchant, boxing analyst asserted, “Nobody believes that anybody can beat Tyson”. Shortly after becoming champion ,Mike Tyson proudly said, at the age of 20, “No one will ever take my title away from me”. | 03/16/2014 |
85 | Psalm - 20 | Elie Weisel, a holocaust survivor when going through insurmountable pain and suffering said, “I went through all of it but the worst of all came when I felt that no one knew I was still alive. I was sure that everyone I had ever known had given up on me. I felt abandoned and that was the worst of all human hurts”. | 03/09/2014 |
84 | Psalm 19 - Part II | Fred Craddock tells about a study on the effects of conversation between doctors and nurses during surgery on patients who were under anesthesia in the University of Netherlands. If the medical team was grumpy and disagreeable during surgery then the patient was depressed and pessimistic after surgery .If the doctors and nurses were upbeat and positive during the surgery, patient was much more upbeat and recovered more quickly after surgery. | 03/02/2014 |
83 | Psalm 19 Part - I | Colonel Robert Ingersoll, a man who dedicated his entire life to disprove the existence of God, used to go around lecturing on his pet topic “Mistakes of Moses”. Wherever he lectured, he would climax his lectures by denouncing the God of the Bible as cowardly, blood thirsty, vengeful – then he would put out a watch from his pocket, raise his hand, and lift his face towards the ceiling and roar something like this :-“God ,are up there somewhere? | 02/23/2014 |
82 | Psalm 18- Part III | The students at Sandy high school (Oregon) were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had killed himself. The suicide note said, “It is hard to live when nobody cares if you die”. Glen, a teacher realized this was a teachable moment about the importance of making people feel valued. | 02/16/2014 |
81 | Psalm 18- Part II | Harold Kushner, a conservative rabbi is an expert on suffering and a variety of other ethical issues. His best-selling book, ‘When bad things happen to good people’, | 02/09/2014 |
80 | Psalm 18 - Part I | Sherlock Holmes and his associate, Watson, once went on a camping trip to nearby woods. Right in the middle of the night Holmes woke up Watson and asked, “What do you see up in the sky? And tell me what does it say?” | 02/02/2014 |
79 | Psalm 17 - Part II | The famous song writer, Ruth Harms Calkin, wrote realistically, about the pain of her heart when her mortal life was under stress and strain. She lamented: | 01/26/2014 |
78 | Psalm 17 - Part I | Scientists have watched what happens inside a mother’s body when listening to her baby cry. They found her pulse increases as does the blood pressure and tension in the muscles of her body. Hormonally, her body reacts by releasing a sizeable dose of stress hormones into her blood system. Everything inside her screams out to attend to her baby. A mother is biologically designed to react to her baby’s cries. | 01/19/2014 |
77 | Psalm 16 - Part II | C.S Lewis in his book, ‘Miracles’ writes, “The presence of God is the most real thing we ever encounter”. Moses prayed, “If your presence does not go with us do not send us up from here”. Why haven’t we fully experienced God’s presence in our life? | 01/12/2014 |
76 | Psalm16 - Part I | Loren Eisley writes, “Man is a cosmic orphan .He is the only creature in the universe who asks, ‘Why?’. Other animals have instincts to guide them,but man has learn't to ask questions,” “Who am I?!Why am I here? Where am I going?” Ever since the enlightenment, when man threw off the “shackles” of religion, man has tried to answer those questions without reference to God . | 01/05/2014 |
75 | Psalm15 Part- II | Dr.Billy Graham wrote his last book, “The reason for my hope”. In an interview after writing this book, he emphatically said these important words. “As I approached my 95th birthday, I was burdened to write a book that addressed the epidemic of “Easy believerism”- | 12/29/2013 |
74 | Psalm 15 Part - I | Warren Buffett, the greatest investor of our day and the world’s wealthiest man, in June, 2005 decided to help raise money for his charitable foundation by offering an online auction for someone to have lunch with him. The winning bid was 351,100 dollars –the price of access! | 12/22/2013 |
73 | Psalm14 - Part II | Let us continue our study of the Psalm 14 under two headings 2) The Rebellion of the fool, 3) The Refuge for the Faithful. In one of his sermons, Dr. Ravi Zacharias quoted a philosopher saying "Ours is an age where ethics has become obsolete, it is superseded by science, deleted by psychology and dismissed as emotive by philosophy... | 12/15/2013 |
72 | Psalm14 - Part - I | Have you not heard of the mad man who lit a lamp in the bright morning and went to the market place crying ceaselessly, “I seek God! I seek God!”. There were many among those standing there who did not believe in God so he made them laugh “Is God lost?” One of them said. “Has he gone astray like a child?” said another. | 12/08/2013 |
71 | Psalm 13 - Part II | In part one of the psalms 13; we have seen the uncanny silence of God .Now in this second part let us examine the rest of the psalm under two titles; the unquestionable succor of God and the unfailing salvation of God. | 12/01/2013 |
68 | Psalm 13 - Part I | Tommy Dorsey is known as the father of gospel music. He had enjoyed career as a successful Jazz musician but his life fell apart. After taking some time off from music he surrenders his talents to be used for the Lord. | 11/24/2013 |
67 | Psalm 12 - Part II | Let us continue to study Psalm12, focusing on the last two points 2) Societal decadence and, 3) Savior’s Defense. | 11/17/2013 |
66 | Psalm 12- Part I | The Faithful have vanished. (12:1) We shall study this Psalm under three heads.1) Spiritual decay.2) Societal decadence.3) Savior’s Defense. | 11/10/2013 |
65 | Psalm 11- Part II | We have seen in the first part of Psalm11, about the two responses of David, when the foundations are being destroyed. His first response was suggested by others- to “flee to the mountains”, Now in this second part, we shall examine his second response,-which is the right response-faith response, taking refuge in God. | 11/03/2013 |
64 | Psalm 11 - Part I | I would like to focus my attention in this Psalm - 11, on one key verse-verse 3 which poses the central reflective question of this Psalm: when the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? It is clear that in the Psalmist mind there are only two responses to this question: either one can fled to the mountains as the counselors suggest, or one can take refuge in Yahweh. | 10/27/2013 |
63 | Psalm10 - Part II | We will continue Psalm 10 with two last points: 2) The Request for salvation 3) The Royal Savior. We have already seen the first point in the part one of this Psalm 1 the Rebellion of the sinner. | 10/20/2013 |
62 | Psalm10 - Part- I | Though we are not directly told, but most likely it was David who wrote this Psalm. Psalms 9 and 10 are one Psalm, Psalm 9 looks at God’s future response to evil; Psalm10 examines the injustice of the present. Psalm 10 is a lament Psalm, a cry for justice. | 10/13/2013 |
61 | Psalm 9 - Part III | In this concluding part of the Psalm 9 we will meditate on Divine Remembrance and Divine Retribution. <U><B>Divine Remembrance:</U></B> V 12 “For he who avenges blood remembers, he does not ignore the cries of the afflicted. “ In verse 18” “But God will never forget the needy”. | 10/06/2013 |
59 | Psalm 9- Part II | In the first part of this psalm we have meditated on verses 1-6.Now in this second part we would meditate on verses 7-10 under the title Divine Reign. | 09/29/2013 |
58 | Psalm 9-Part I | Reading your morning paper, you may think the world is going to rack and ruin. So much crime and violence, and abuse of the weak and innocent. Does God know? Does God care? The Psalmist insists that God has not forgotten the cry of the humble… the needy shall not always be forgotten nor the hope of the poor perish? (V 13, 19). | 09/22/2013 |
57 | Psalm 8 - Part III | Let us continue our meditation on psalm 8.We have been admiring at the scientific details of the universe as given by Cressy Morrison, in the book ‘Man does not stand alone’. The majestic and an awesome God, so wonderfully and incredibly created their universe with a mathematical precision and admirable accuracy | 09/15/2013 |
56 | Psalm 8-Part II | The great Noble prize winner Jacques Monad once declared “The ancient covenant is in pieces. Man at last knows that is alone in the unfeeling immensity of the universe out of which he emerged only by chance.” According to Monad, Man is a chance creature; he was not deliberately and purposefully created by a creator God. He emerged by a chance | 09/08/2013 |
55 | Psalm8- Part I | What Is Man?<br> This question seems to be so complex that to a modern man that he is baffled between two current and dominant definitions of man. On the one hand there are people who come up with the freakish idea that man is an animal; on the other hand, we have people who advocate the idea of man being god.<br> | 09/01/2013 |
54 | Psalm 7- Part II | <U> Pleading for justice: 7:6-9</U> The Psalmist returns in no less violent images to the feared consequence of pursuit described in the opening verses of the psalm. There the tearing and rending of wild beasts was imagined, here it is the trampling of the defeated foe in battle. The verb ‘rms’ (trample) can be used to describe the action of a potter mixing clay by foot (Is 41:25), a vintage crushing grapes (63:3) a crowd of people trampling a man (II kings 7:17) or horses trampling Jezebel under foot (II kings 9:33). | 08/25/2013 |
53 | Psalm 7- Part I | This Psalm must be by David. This is the smear campaign started by a man named Cush. This is a lament or complaint Psalm, asking God for protection- but it ends as a Psalm of praise. | 08/18/2013 |
52 | Psalm 6 - Part II | <U>2) Anguish over raid:</U><br> When God wants to make a mushroom He does it overnight, but when God wants to make a giant oak he takes a hundred years- Great souls are grown through struggles and storms and seasons of suffering. | 08/11/2013 |
51 | Psalm 6 - Part I | Psalm 6 is one of seven penitential Psalms in which the author, David, is expressing sorrow over sin or failure. The servant of the Lord, being reproved by the chastening rod, petitioned God for deliverance finding assurance that his prayer had been heard, he warned his persecutors to depart for they were about to be put to shame. | 08/04/2013 |
50 | Psalm 5 - Part II | <U>1) Dependence on the Almighty:</U> When Martin Luther was making his way to Augsburg to appear before Cardinal Cajetan, who had summoned him to answer for his heretical opinions, one of the cardinals servants taunted him, asking,” where will you find shelter if your patron, the Elector of Saxony, should desert you?” | 07/28/2013 |
49 | Psalm 5 - Part I | A story is told four pastors from the same community who got away for fishing trip together. One night around the camp fire, one of the pastors suggested, “We’re a long ways from home and from our church members. What do you say that we bare our souls and each of us tell what his secret sin is? I’ll go first.” | 07/21/2013 |
48 | Psalm 4 - Part II | In the first part of the Psalm 4 we have seen David’s city (4:1).In this second part we will see David’s Criticism (4:2-5) and David’s Confidence (4:6-8).<br> In contrast with the righteous God (v: 1) David’s rebels were mere mortals. He asked how long they would turn his glory into shame with their rebellion and lies. (“Lies in NIV foot note) is preferable to false gods. | 07/14/2013 |
47 | Psalm 4 - Part I | Outside the Christian Borg palace in Copenhagen, which is Denmark’s parliament building, there are three stone figures guarding the entrance. They represent the ear ache, the head ache, and the stomach ache. These are here to suggest, “Sad a Dane, if you enter politics, you will have all three”. | 07/07/2013 |
46 | Psalm 3 - Part II | In the first part of this Psalm, we saw David being was surrounded by many enemies. Now in Part II we will see how David was “Sustained by God” and “Saved by God”. | 06/30/2013 |
45 | Psalm 3 - Part I | The superscription of the Psalm identifies it as written by David. In Book one (Psalm 1-41) 37 of the 41 Psalms (all except 1-2; 10; 33) are ascribed to David. Psalm 3 is said to have been written when he fled from his son Absalom (of II Samuel 15-18). It is a confident prayer of the king who had fled from the palace and was surrounded by enemies | 06/23/2013 |
44 | Psalm 2 - Kings against the King | We don’t know who wrote it but in the New Testament it is identified as David (Acts 4: 25). Psalm 2 seems to be a royal Psalm, composed to celebrate the coronation of Israel’s King. It is also a messianic Psalm; picturing the coming Messiah our God’s conquering King. Psalm 2 is a wisdom Psalm, the writer urges us to make the right choices. David begins Psalm 2 with why? Question.<br> | 06/16/2013 |
43 | Psalm 1 - Part II | Researchers at Harvard Medical School, the National Institute of Health and countless centers have ratified the truth- active religious activities are associated with longer, healthier and happier lives. Father, McGlone, a priest said “Religion is important not because we know all the answers, but because we have the best answer, ‘Faith’”. | 06/09/2013 |
42 | Psalms 1 - Part 1 | The most fascinating book of the Old Testament is the Book of Psalms. The Book of Psalms has been a great source of inspiration and encouragement to millions of people down the ages. The first of 150 Psalms is a crisp concise and concrete one which talks about The Blessed Man. We are created to be blessed and to be a blessing to others (Gen 12:1-3).The essential ingredient for our blessed and productive Christian life is spiritual discipline. Only tightened violin string can produce music that will gladden the heart of the people. | 06/02/2013 |
41 | Creation with A Purpose | Who directs your life? Your own thinking? Your money? Position? Power? Is your life spinning without aim? Only Christ can give you purpose in life, meaning in life. All the luminaries are created to direct us to His destined end. | 03/08/2007 |
40 | Who is your foundation? | <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:9-13&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:9-13</a></b><br><br>The great Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar once proudly declared about the Transformation he had brought on Rome in these lines <i>“I found it brick, but I left it marble”</i>. <br><br>The creation story as recorded in first two chapters of the Genesis bears witness to God’s transforming power. No man can remain the same after coming in contact with the living and life-changing God. Whomsoever or whatsoever God touches, changes, changes for the better. What did God create on the third day? – He did three significant things which have an edifying value for all of us. | 02/20/2007 |
39 | What is your next? | <b><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:1-6&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:1-6</a></b><br><br>In <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:6&version=31" target="_new">verse 6</a> “<b>And God said……..</b>”. After light what is next? <br><br>Mind that there was no man to see God to tell God what to create and how to create. <br><br>It was the 13th century king Alfonso X, king of Castille, instructed by a Jewish Rabbi said, “<i>if I had been of God’s counsel at the creation, many things would have been ordered better</i>”. How presumptuous the king was! <br><br>Job in his epilogue makes a crystal clear comment on God’s sovereignty in these words: “<b>I know that You can do all things, no plan Yours will be thwarted</b> [<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job%2042:2&version=31" target="_new">Job 42:2</a>]”. | 02/01/2007 |
38 | And there was light... | <b>And God said ‘Let there be light’ – and there was light...</b> <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:3&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:3</a><br>We have already seen that, the Light, Christ, has come to <li>dispel darkness.<li>display things around us to enable us to see things in the proper light.<li>and to direct our steps back toward God from whom we have gone astray.<br>And now, the baffling question is, why, then, the world seems to be still in darkness of incredible proportions. Has the darkness overcome the light? Never! Is the light flickering and dying? No! There are three things we should take into consideration. They are: <font color=blue><b>Sin, Satan and Saints</b></font> | 01/17/2007 |
37 | Light Directs | <br><b>And God said ‘Let there be light’ – and there was light...</b> <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:3&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:3</a><br><br>We have already seen that light dispels darkness; light displays things around us; and also light directs us in our path.<br><br>There is a citation from the book of Isaiah in <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%204:16&version=31" target="_new">Matthew 4:16</a> which reads <b>"the people living in darkness have seen a great light</b>. On those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.<br><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2053:6&version=31" target="_new">Isaiah 53:6</a> sums up the human predicament without being guided by the love and grace of God as ‘like sheep we have all gone astray’. <br><br>Sheep, unlike birds, have no homing instinct. They can only loose their direction and way and cannot, on their own, find their way back to their fold or pen, unless the shepherd goes for them and brings them back to their fold. | 01/09/2007 |
36 | Light displays things | <br><b>And God said ‘Let there be light’ – and there was light...</b> <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:3&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:3</a><br><br>Light not only dispels darkness of sin from our fallen lives but also displays the things which we, otherwise, cannot see in our blindness. <br><br>The great mind of C. S. Lewis made a very insightful observation once, he said <i>"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else"</i>. <br><br>When we have the light of Christ in our hearts we see the world a lot better and brighter. We see the world differently if Christ, the light, shines in our hearts. | 01/01/2007 |
35 | Light dispels darkness | <br><b>And God said ‘Let there be light’ – and there was light...</b> <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:3&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:3</a><br><br>Blaise Pascal, the 17th century French philosopher wrote in his book of 'Thoughts', <i>"Man does not know the place he should occupy. He has obviously gone astray. He has fallen from his true place and cannot find again, He searches everywhere anxiously, but in vain, in the midst of impenetrable darkness"</i>.<br><br>Why did God create light on the first day? God, in His unfathomable wisdom, saw that it was good to create light on the first day. God could have created so many other things instead of light on the first day. Then the obvious question is why? | 12/10/2006 |
34 | Gen 1:3-5 – God said... | <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:3-5&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:3-5</a><br>Once when I was pasturing a village congregation about 100 miles south of Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, I had an interesting, but a bit discomforting encounter with a village boy on a town bus. <br><br>I was tired out after a gospel outreach program in a village about 10 miles from where I stayed. I was on a crowded town bus. A boy with a broad smile came squeezing through the crowd and with a grin said "<i>Sir</i> (after seeing the Bible in my hand), <i>can I ask you something?</i>". I said "<i>Yes!</i>" – he continued, "<i>What did God create on the first day?</i>" – pat came my reply "<i>Light</i>". He quickly asked "<i>What did God create on the 4th day?</i>". I smartly replied "<i>The two great lights – the sun and the moon</i>". | 11/26/2006 |
33 | Gen 1:1-3 – God said … | <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:1-3&version=31" target="_new">Genesis 1:1-3</a> <br><br>How did God create the universe? – by His Word! <i>"He looked into the Torah and created the world"</i> (Midrash). Ten times in the first chapter of Genesis, the expression on "God said" occurs (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen%201:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26,28,29;&version=31;" target="_new">Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26,28,29</a>). <br><br>At the very outset of the Bible, we are given a clear understanding of the inextricable commingling of the Word of God (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen%201:3;&version=31;" target="_new">1:3</a>) and the Spirit of God (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen%201:2;&version=31;" target="_new">1:2</a>). You can’t separate the one from the other. They operate in unison. The creative Word, the Word that created the universe in <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen%201:3;&version=31;" target="_new">Genesis 1:3</a>, became an incarnate Word (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%201:1,14;&version=31;" target="_new">John 1:1,14</a>) through whom the corrupted and chaotic human heart is miraculously transformed into a new creation (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=II%20Cor%205:17;&version=31;" target="_new">II Corinthians 5:17</a>). | 11/19/2006 |
32 | Genesis 1:2 - Now the earth was formless… | John Calvin calls it <i>"confused emptiness"</i>.<br>In <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jer%204:23;&version=31;" target="_new">Jeremiah 4:23</a> and <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Is%2034:10-11;&version=31;" target="_new">Isaiah 34:10-11</a>, Both Jeremiah and Isaiah underline the dreadful sense of the waste and chaos like a trackless desert when God’s creative word is not bringing order. In the beginning, created world lacked order and shape.<br>I am reminded of a joke in which a doctor, an engineer and a politician were debating as to whose profession was the oldest. | 11/12/2006 |
31 | Gen 1:1-2 : God created … | <br>The great exponent of Hinduism, Swami Vivekananda, asserted that God, nature and soul exist eternally. <br>Aristotle taught that fleas, worms, mice and frogs sprang up from the moist earth. <br>One famed doctor said that the smells which arise from the bottom of morasses produce frogs, slugs, leeches, grasses and other things. The same doctor also claimed that you can produce mice by placing corn in a covered pot and fermenting it!<br>The world has always been trying to explain away the mighty and unparallel creative power and genius of our Almighty God by coming up with some funny and fictitious theories of creation.<br>The Bible unequivocally affirms that God created all things – seen and unseen (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Col%201:16;&version=50;" target="_new">Col 1:16</a>). | 11/05/2006 |
30 | In the beginning God created... | <b>In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth – Genesis 1:1</b><br><br>God created the heavens and the earth out of what? What materials did God use to create the heavens and the Earth? It is creation ex nihilo, that is, God created everything out of nothing! How can anything come out of nothing? <br><br>What is impossible with men is possible with God. This mighty God of creation created everything out of nothing. What does it mean? | 10/29/2006 |
29 | In the beginning God created… | <b>Gen 1:1</b><br><br>By placing God at the very beginning of the creation story, Moses dealt a devastating blow to so many of the modern ‘isms’. <ul><li>By asserting in no uncertain terms that there is God at the beginning, atheism is emphatically repudiated; <li>By calling God, Elohim (in Hebrew, it is in the plural) which is the plural of majesty, polytheism (many Gods philosophy) is nailed to the coffin; <li>By placing God at the beginning, pantheism (pan = all is God) is knocked for a loop. God is distinct from his creatures (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2019:1&version=31">Psalm 19:1</a>). The creator, Elohim is different from all His creatures; Creator and creatures cannot be one! | 10/22/2006 |
28 | In the beginning, God created... | </b>Genesis 1:1</b><br>The obvious question we need to ask ourselves is <i>“What happens when God begins our life?”</i>. <br>The only verb in this verse is “created” - in Hebrew “Bara”. <u>When God is placed at the helm of all your life activities, something happens. i.e. He begins to act! He creates.</u> <br>The Hebrew word “Bara” occurs 48 times in the Old Testament. Interestingly, this verb “Bara” always takes God as its subject!. The Hebrew scholars come up with a very exciting definition of the word “Bara”. According to them, the verb ‘Bara’ means... | 10/15/2006 |
27 | In the beginning God… | <b>Genesis 1:1</b><br><br>It was the great mind of C.S.Lewis that emphatically asserted that the most significant statement ever made is the one that is made at the very beginning of the greatest Book in the world – The Bible – in its first verse of its first chapter of its first book (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201:1&version=31">Genesis 1:1</a>). <b>“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”.</b><br><br>If you start aright, you will end aright. The Bible begins with God and ends with God in heaven (Revelation). If you begin with God, you will end with God. <u>Begin your day with God, and then only then, everything will fall into its place.</u> | 10/08/2006 |
25 | Merits of a blessed man | <b><i>Psalm 1: Blessed is the man...</i></b><br>A tree becomes productive when it maintains a two-dimensional relationships, With the roots and with the branches. <u>A blessed man that Psalmist speaks of here is a man of relationships.</u> <br>Real blessed man is like an electric train, as Billy Graham rightly pointed out. No electric train runs without the vertical and the horizontal connections. If an electric train has to move horizontally, it has to be connected vertically. | 10/01/2006 |
24 | The merits of a blessed man | <b><i>Psalm 1: Blessed is the man...</i></b><br>In verse 1, the psalmist talked about the mark of a blessed man – his ethical living in this world – staying away from sinful associations in this sin-torn world.<br>In verse 2, psalmist talked about the maker of a blessed man. It is the law of God that makes a man a blessed man. (<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2017:11&version=31"><b>Acts 17:11</b></a>). <br>Now having said these, he goes on to talk about the merits of a blessed man! Wisely the psalmist compares the blessed man to a tree planted by the streams of water. | 09/24/2006 |
23 | What makes a blessed man? | <b><i>Psalm 1: Blessed is the man...</i></b><br><br>The psalmist after speaking about the mark of a blessed man, in verse 2, he talks about what really makes a blessed man. Positions? Power? Privileges?.<br>He comes up with a thoroughly a new concept of blessedness. | 09/17/2006 |
22 | Blessed Man | <b><i>Psalm 1: Blessed is the man...</i></b><br>We are all fascinated by the term “blessing”. We want to be blessed always and everywhere. The sermons we set our hearts on are sermons on blessings. The psalmist in Psalm 1 begins not with who or what makes a man a blessed man, rather he begins his psalm with the mark of a blessed man. What is the mark of a blessed man? <br>Psalmist in verse 1, uses three verbs; <B>Walk</B>, <B>Stand</B> and <B>Sit</B>. | 09/10/2006 |
21 | Presence of God (Contd...) | <br><b>From the time he put him in-charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of Egyptian because of Joseph – Gen 39:5</b><br>The Lord, making the life of Joseph a channel of blessing to Potiphar was a condition. The condition was, Joseph must be made a man in charge of Potiphar’s household! The only way by which our household could be blessed is by making the Christ (the Joseph) be in-charge of our lives. Then, only then, we would be able to be a channel of blessing to others. <u>Is Christ in-charge of your life? Is Christ in-charge of your household? </u> | 08/27/2006 |
20 | Presence of God (Contd...) | <br><b>From the time he put him in-charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of Egyptian because of Joseph – Gen 39:5 </b><br>Our life in this world can either be a channel of blessing or a channel of curse to others. We are called to be a channel of blessing to others. We are blessed in order to be a blessing (Gen 12:1-3). The Lord blessed the Egyptian because of Joseph ! <u>Are we a channel of blessing or a channel of curse, to this alien and heathen world?</u> | 08/20/2006 |
19 | Presence of God (Contd...) | <BR><b>When the master saw that the Lord was with him… - Gen 39:3</b><br>What is very interesting about Joseph’s life in a strange land of Egypt was that he never went around bragging about the presence of the God in his life. But, his master Potiphar saw the presence of God in his life!. If God is present in a believer’s life, he does not have to hold a placard, proclaiming the presence of God in his life! <u>His life explains it all</u>. People can “see” His presence conspicuously and clearly.<br> | 08/13/2006 |
16 | The Presence of God | <br>The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered … - Gen 39:2<br>Martin Luther, the great theologian ever lived, once said “<i>God’s presence is always directly discernable. He is, in, with and under every event and relationship of life</i>”. One truth that the world is breaking its brains over is whether God is present or absent in the lives of the people. Martin Heideggar daringly asserts, “I do not deny God, I state His absence. Here is the problem of this world.”<br> | 08/07/2006 |