371 | PHOTOS: Hosanna Night 2024 | ICWC | 10/27/2024 | 474 | /Files/Photos/20241027HosannaNight/IMG06.jpg |
370 | PHOTOS: Volleyball Tournament | ICWC | 05/13/2023 | 4174 | /Files/Photos/20230513Volleyball/Image057.jpg |
369 | PHOTOS: Palm Sunday | ICWC | 04/02/2023 | 2327 | /Files/Photos/20230402PalmSunday/Image001.jpg |
368 | PHOTOS: Sekhar Henry 80th Birthday Celebration | ICWC | 03/19/2023 | 2309 | /Files/Photos/20230325SekharHenry/Image005.jpg |
365 | PHOTOS: Father's Day Celebration | ICWC | 06/19/2022 | 846 | /Files/Photos/20220619_FathersDay/Image047.jpg |
363 | PHOTOS: Mother's Day Celebration | ICWC | 05/15/2022 | 648 | /Files/Photos/20220515_MothersDay/Img006.jpg |
364 | PHOTOS: Honoring Pastor Nimesh and Vinitha | ICWC | 04/03/2022 | 654 | /Files/Photos/20220403_NimeshVinitha/Image011.jpg |
307 | PHOTOS: Seventh Anniversary Celebration | ICWC | 02/16/2020 | 545 | /Files/Photos/20200117_7thAnniversary/IMG_7860.JPG |
304 | PHOTOS: Sunday School Christmas Program | ICWC | 12/15/2019 | 543 | /Files/Photos/20191215SSChristmas/DSC_0208.jpg |
303 | PHOTOS: Christmas Choir Concert 2019 | Choir | 12/08/2019 | 428 | /Files/Photos/20191208Concert/IMG018.JPG |
293 | PHOTOS: Harvest Festival 2019 | ICWC | 11/17/2019 | 460 | /Files/Photos/20191117HarvestFestival/dsc_0920_49097433347_o.jpg |
252 | PHOTOS: Annual Picnic 2019 | ICWC | 06/29/2019 | 391 | /Files/Photos/20190629Picnic/IMAG6310.jpg |
292 | PHOTOS: Palm Sunday 2019 | ICWC | 04/14/2019 | 378 | /Files/Photos/20190414PalmSunday/IMG_5937.JPG |
231 | PHOTOS: Annual Retreat 2018 | ICWC | 07/29/2018 | 530 | /Files/Photos/20180729Retreat/DSC_1472.jpg |
233 | PHOTOS: Annual Picnic 2018 | ICWC | 06/23/2018 | 457 | /Files/Photos/20180623Picnic/IMAG1045.jpg |
207 | PHOTOS: Womens Retreat 2018 | ICWC | 05/12/2018 | 468 | /Files/Photos/20180512WomensRetreat/IMG_4554.JPG |
205 | PHOTOS: Easter Egg Hunt & Fundraiser | ICWC | 03/24/2018 | 411 | /Files/Photos/20180324_EggHunt/IMG_4072.jpg |
204 | PHOTOS: New Year Service 2018 | ICWC | 01/01/2018 | 416 | /Files/Photos/20180101NewYear/IMG_3543.jpg |
203 | PHOTOS: Christmas Service | ICWC | 12/25/2017 | 465 | /Files/Photos/20171225Christmas/IMG_3438.jpg |
197 | PHOTOS: 2017 Church Retreat | ICWC | 08/20/2017 | 450 | /Files/Photos/20170818Retreat/IMG_1051.jpg |
174 | PHOTOS: 2017 Church Picnic | ICWC | 07/08/2017 | 394 | /Files/Photos/20170710Picnic/Picnic_1_80.JPG |
173 | PHOTOS: Good Friday & Easter | ICWC | 04/16/2017 | 403 | /Files/Photos/20170416goodfriday&easter/IMAG0037.jpg |
172 | PHOTOS: Palm Sunday | ICWC | 04/09/2017 | 397 | /Files/Photos/20170409PalmSunday/DSC_0040.jpg |
170 | PHOTOS: Covenant Sunday | ICWC | 01/08/2017 | 407 | /Files/Photos/20170107CovenantSunday/DSC_1604.jpg |
169 | PHOTOS: New Year Service | ICWC | 01/01/2017 | 379 | /Files/Photos/20161231NewYearService/DSC_1412.JPG |
168 | PHOTOS: Christmas Service | ICWC | 12/25/2016 | 384 | /Files/Photos/20161225_Christmas/IMAG0824.JPG |
167 | PHOTOS: Christmas Children Program | Sunday School | 12/11/2016 | 327 | /Files/Photos/20161211_Children/DSC_1089.JPG |
157 | PHOTOS: Christmas Concert 2016 | ICWC | 12/11/2016 | 404 | /Files/Photos/2016_12_11_Concert/DSC_0896.JPG |
139 | PHOTOS: Baptism of Aarav Caleb John | ICWC | 10/16/2016 | 386 | /Files/Photos/2016_10_16_Aarav_Baptism/20161016_162635.JPG |
138 | PHOTOS: Annual Retreat 2016 | ICWC | 08/05/2016 | 395 | /Files/Photos/2016_08_05_Retreat/IMG_6404.JPG |
137 | PHOTOS: Farewell to Devaraj Uncle Family & Mathanraj Family | ICWC | 06/25/2016 | 381 | /Files/Photos/2016_06_25_Farewell/IMG-20160626-WA0000.jpg |
136 | PHOTOS: Church Picnic 2016 | ICWC | 06/25/2016 | 371 | /Files/Photos/2016_06_25_Picnic/IMG_5771.JPG |
106 | PHOTOS: Church Picnic 2015 | ICWC | 09/06/2015 | 348 | /Files/Photos/2013_09_12_Picnic/IMG_1833.jpg |
81 | PHOTOS: Annual Retreat 2015 | ICWC | 08/07/2015 | 336 | /Files/Photos/2015_08_07_Retreat/1.jpg |
80 | PHOTOS: Vacation Bible School | ICWC | 07/11/2015 | 346 | /Files/Photos/2015_07_11_VBS/IMG_0512.jpg |
78 | PHOTOS: Mother's Day | ICWC | 05/10/2015 | 338 | /Files/Photos/2015_05_11_MothersDay/IMG_8752.jpg |
76 | PHOTOS: Palm Sunday | ICWC | 03/29/2015 | 334 | /Files/Photos/2015_03_29_Palm_Sunday/IMG_5770.JPG |
75 | PHOTOS: Children Easter Program | ICWC | 03/28/2015 | 339 | /Files/Photos/2015_03_28_Children_Easter/IMG_5689.JPG |
72 | PHOTOS: Children Christmas Program | ICWC | 02/01/2015 | 332 | /Files/Photos/2014_12_07_Children_Christmas/IMG_5764.jpg |
70 | PHOTOS:Christmas Concert | ICWC Choir | 01/26/2015 | 351 | /Files/Photos/2014 12 14 ChristmasConcert/IMG_4755.jpg |
71 | PHOTOS: Christmas Service | ICWC | 01/01/2015 | 344 | /Files/Photos/2015 01 01 New Year/IMG_5161.jpg |
69 | PHOTOS: Christmas Concert | ICWC Choir | 12/14/2014 | 340 | /Files/Photos/2014 12 14 ChristmasConcert/IMG_4755.jpg |
47 | PHOTOS:2014 Harvest Festival | ICWC | 11/09/2014 | 334 | /Files/Photos/2014 11 09 Harvest Festival/IMG_4416.JPG |
45 | PHOTOS:2014 Annual Retreat | ICWC | 08/11/2014 | 340 | /Files/Photos/2014 08 08 Retreat/IMG_4712.JPG |
15 | PHOTOS:1st Anniversary Celebration | Admin | 05/15/2014 | 381 | /Files/Photos/2014 03 02 Anniversary/IMG_2174.jpg |
16 | PHOTOS:Easter Egg Hunt | Admin | 04/12/2014 | 338 | /Files/Photos/2014 04 12 Egg Hunt/IMG_2215.JPG |
12 | PHOTOS:Covenant Concert | Admin | 01/19/2014 | 343 | /Files/Photos/2014 01 19 Covenant Concert/IMG_1599.jpg |
11 | PHOTOS:2013 12 15 Kids Christmas | Admin | 12/15/2013 | 334 | /Files/Photos/2013 12 15 Kids Christmas/IMG_1251.jpg |
10 | PHOTOS:Confirmation | ICWC | 12/15/2013 | 339 | /Files/Photos/2013 12 15 Confirmation/IMG_0900.jpg |
3 | PHOTOS:Harvest Festival | Admin | 11/24/2013 | 335 | /Files/Photos/2013 11 24 Harvest Festival/IMG_0400.jpg |
9 | PHOTOS:2013 Annual Retreat | Admin | 09/08/2013 | 353 | /Files/Photos/2013 08 09 Retreat/IMG_8614.jpg |